Fog eases and pilots resume moving ships at Houston Reuters As of midday, 20 ships were delayed inbound and 22 were waiting to depart, a Coast Guard spokesman said. Tankers carrying oil and petroleum products account ... Houston Ship Channel Tankers Halted by Fog, Coast Guard Says |
Friday, December 31, 2010
Fog eases and pilots resume moving ships at Houston - Reuters
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
TXCO Resources raising $20 million in private placement - San Antonio Business Journal:
San Antonio-based TXC0 (NASDAQ: has agreed to sell 20,000 sharea of Series E ConvertiblePreferred Stock, whichb can be converted to TXCO common shared at a price of $17.36 per In connection with the private placement, the companuy has agreed to exchange its share of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock, issued back in November 2007, into common stock at $14.48 per The closing and funding are expected to occutr on or before Marc h 4, 2008. TXCO plans to use the net proceedsd from the sale of Series E preferresd stock to complement its 2008 capitak expendituredrilling program.
The company also may use the proceedw inthe short-term to repahy certain outstanding indebtedness, pay expensez associated with the offering as well as general corporat and working capital. Holders of the Seried E preferred stock are entitled to dividends of 6 percent per amongother things. LLC served as the placement agent for theprivate offering. TXCO is an independent oil and gas exploratio andproduction company.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Boeing sees $3.2 trillion market for planes over next 20 years - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
trillion market for new commercial airplanes over the next 20 including demandfor 29,000 new commercial and freighteer airplanes. The Boeing 2009 Current Markegt Outlook was released in Londonb on Thursday and despite theeconomic downturn, Boeing maintainex The Chicago aerospace giantt (NYSE: BA) predicts passenger air traffid to grow at an average rate of 4.9 perceny over the next 20 yearsx and cargo traffic to grow at 5.4 percentt annually. That’s down slightly from last year’s 20-year outlook. Boeing said the world’ds airlines will buy more single-aisle planes, like its Renton-builrt 737 (a predicted 19,460 planew worth $1.
42 trillion) and will spend the most on twin-aislde planes, which it builds in Everety (6,700 planes worth $1.51 trillion over the next 20 Airlines will use more efficient airplanes inthe future, rathefr than using significantly larger planes, Boeing said, adding that the U.S. and Europse will see more replacement planesas less-efficienrt planes are retired. “While the commercialp aviation industry is facing asignifican downturn, it is cyclic and has a long history of declines and said Randy Tinseth, vice president of marketint for Boeing Commercial Airplanes, in a statement.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
North Carolina's $2B hog industry belted as farms fail - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Two culprits – overlg large herds and risinbg costs due to higher grainprices – have been shrinkinhg the bottom lines at many hog operations in Northn Carolina, the nation’s second largest hog-producing state, behincd only Iowa. To those factors can be added the recentswine flu, or H1N1 flu, scare, the effect of which the industry is only starting to tally up. “A lot of peoplre have just notrealized what’s been going on in the says Deborah Johnson, CEO of the , an industry tradew group. Already, she says, “We are beginningy to see some (hog farmers) leave the industr due to financial hardship.
” At three easterh North Carolina operations, relief from the pressurew will come from Chapter 11 or Chapter12 reorganization. Chapte r 12 is a provision written into the federalk bankruptcy code in 1986 dealing exclusively withfamily farms. Both Chapter 11 and Chaptee 12 allow a compang breathing room to attempt a In theirreorganization filings, Bunting Swinwe Farms of Wilson listed assetes of just under $1 millionh and debts of $12.4 million; Perfect Pig of Newton Grove in Sampsomn County listed assets of $9.3 millioj and debts of $23 and of Enfield listed assets and debts in the $1 millioh to $10 million range.
All three are consideredr mid-level operations, producing between 100,000 and 200,000 hogs a year. North Carolina farmers raise about 10 millio n hogs a yearfor slaughter. Some farmerws are independent, taking their product directly tothe market. Othef farmers operate under contract with one of the major pork suchas Virginia-based , whicg in the past has had contractsa with more than 1,000 North Carolina Another prominent producer is , which has had dealse with as many as 150 North Carolina farms. Recent developments at publicly traded Smithfieldd Foodsillustrate what’s ailing the The meat-producing giant, in a recent U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commissiob filing, reported losses of $112 million for the nine monthswending Feb.1, 2009, explainingy that its costs per hundrerd weight of hog had risem from $49 to $62, largely due to higher grain The company attributes the rise in grain costs to “the United States’ ‘corhn to ethanol’ policy.” Meanwhile, as costs were the Smithfield managers say, the markey was glutted because a record numbers of hogs were slaughterec in 2008 and into 2009. Demand for pork at the grocerh store has been flat inrecentr months.
New retail numbers will begin to tell the effects of the H1N1 While a final determination has not been the blame for the flu outbreak is being laid to hog farmeby some. In response to market conditions, Smithfield has been closinfg someproduction plants, including one in Elon near Burlington, and shaving 1,80 0 employees companywide. “The whole industry is feeling says Dr. Todd See of Looking down the grain prices have starteds to moderate in recentweeks and, Johnsojn says, the latest North Carolinqa herd is expected to be 3 percenf smaller than last Nationwide, the movement toward smallerf herds might be even more pronounced than Northn Carolina’s 3 percent, says Christinwe McCracken, an analyst with Cleveland Research Co.
“z lot of these (hog producers) have been losing money for 18 she says. “And that’s a long
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Bag makers oppose D.C.'s proposed fee on shopping bags - Washington Business Journal:
A day in advance of an April 1 D.C. Councik hearing on a bill that would exact a fee for every distributee plastic andpaper bag, Progressive Bag Affiliates, a groul formed by the Arlington-based , issued a press releaser Tuesday saying: “D.C. Community and Churchy Groups Say 'NO!' to New Tax on Paperd and Plastic Bags.” But at least one organizatioj feels it being unfairly represented by the plastics The press release lists charitablee and religious groups including the ashaving “expressef their opposition to the proposedc tax.
” However management of the food bank, whicjh distributes more than 200 million pounds of food say they are not taking a position on the “The food bank really doesn’t have a stancd on it,” said Shamia spokeswoman for the group. Christine Nyirjesy Bragale of , the firm that issued the press releasefor , said more than a half dozej food bank staffers had signed a letter of opposition, even if managemen had not. “I’m working more with Progressiv eBag Affiliates, I’m not workingf so much with the community she said.
“I’m working fast, thesr people aren’t my clients, I’m just tryinv to help them out,” she , one of the largest charitable contributor to the Food opposes a tax or fee on Giant spokesman and longtime food bank boardx member Barry Scher said he was not responsiblde forthe characterization. “I don’t know wherd it came from,” he said. The bill, proposedf by Councilman Tommy Wells, D- Ward 6, would use money from the fees to purchasw and distribute reusable bags for citizens and a cleanup campaighn for theAnacostia River, one the country’z most polluted waterways.
There are advocates for the poor who oppos the tax on grounds that it willhit low-incomd District residents the hardest. George Franklin, directo of Covenant Food Pantry on South Capitol said most food banks inWard 8, where Covenant operates, oppose a tax because of concerns that they will be forcedf to buy bags to distribute food to hungry which would take away from money for Covenant distributes food in more than 800 donated plastic bags per month, he said. “My personapl thoughts are yes we shoulrd clean upthe Anacostia, but a tax is not the way to do Franklin said.
Franklin said if reusablde bags were effectively distributed a future tax on paper and plastiv bags might bemore palatable. “Can this happen another time Probably,” he said.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Local Dining Alliance members see collaborative cost savings - Pittsburgh Business Times:
In a weak economy with spikingfood costs, more than 250 localk independent restaurateurs hope to gain just that as part of the Dininv Alliance, a Webster, N.Y.-based for-profigt company that operates as a volume-buying club for , which started in Pittsburgh two yearw ago, is close to reaching a three-yeadr contract with to supply its membership with everything from Asian vegetableas to tableware. John founder and president of theDiningf Alliance, said he believex the contract to establish a single endorseds broadliner — a company that distributes a broad cross-section of food and food-related products — will be a milestons for his organization.
“I think that contract is going to save restaurants a huge amount of he said. He would not disclosd the amount of the but he estimated it will save the265 Pittsburgh-area members between $3 million and $4 million combineds in the first year. He said the deal could closse as early aspreses time. Davie estimated the organization’s Pittsburgh membership representsa $45 million in buyingy power. Nationwide, the company’s membership, which includesw more than 1,700 restaurants, has buying power of $450 million.
the Dining Alliance has negotiated a number of smaller contracts with suppliers suchas Boston’s Best Coffee; Marburger Farm Dairy, based in Evans City; and , based in Ravenna, The company’s goal is to providee volume buying leverage for anything an independen restaurant might buy, including cleaning supplies, payroll services and Starting as a small cooperative in N.Y., in 1999, it took four years for the Diningh Alliance to become profitable, and it is just beginninyg to break even in Pittsburgh now.
The Dining Alliance makese its money by charging a percentage of the amounf of money saved forits members, often providing them rebate checks and not making money at all if there are no Kevin Joyce, owner of , was the Pittsburghj area’s first member. Joyce said he joined the organizationn out of the belief that independent restaurantsa pay too much forbasic supplies. “Itg offers an opportunity to level the playing he said.
“Taken we’ll be bigger than any Jim Mendelson, who has owned Doc’s Placed in Shadyside for 24 years, values the organization for the protectionb it provides independents from many ofwhom he’s seen offer a lowball pricde to get business only to quicklhy issue a rate increase. Mendelson uses the Dininvg Alliancefor produce, credit card processing and paperd supplies, and said the cost savings have adde up. “If it was 5 percent, I probably wouldn’t make the he said of the savings.
“But 10, 15 or 20 which I’ve been finding, it is certainly worthwhile to make the Bob Warnock, who has worked for a numbef of food suppliers, said local restaurantx pay so much more for supplies than larger chains that he estimatedd some larger local restaurants could save more than $500,000 annuallg through such arrangements. “As long as they have the abilitt toenforce compliance, it could be phenomenal,” he
Monday, December 13, 2010
Austin only major city to add jobs in last year - Denver Business Journal:
The region added about 3,400 jobs between Apri l 2008 andApril 2009, making it the only one of the nation'w 38 largest cities to post a job new data from the Bureau of Labore Statistics shows. This is the third consecutive month that Austin has outperformed all of theother U.S. cities with labor forces of 750,0090 or more. The unemployment rate for April stoodat 5.8 The 0.4 percent increase in job totalxs is modest, but still a bettetr showing than cities such as Portlandr (down 4.7 percent) and Raleigh, N.C. (downj 3.3 percent).
Jobs in goods producing industries in the Austim area dropped by 500 jobsin April, a slowdown from the rapid pace of recent according to an analysis of the data from the Capital Area Council of Governments. Retail, hotel, and restaurant jobs are all up from this time last And professional and business service sectord employment is back toits all-timd high last seen in Octobeer 2008. But another key sector for the region, isn't doing quite as well. Computer, semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing is still Jobs in the semiconductor segment fellto 15,700 jobs, back to springv 2006 totals. As Texaw cities go, Austin's 5.
8 percent unemployment rate was one ofthe Dallas-Fort Worth stood at 6.6 percenft in April and Houston at 6.3 percent. Only San Antonio'sa rate was lower than Austin's at 5.4 Smaller metro areas including Brownsville and Beaumount all had rates abov8 percent.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Quiksilver secures $150M term loan, posts 2Q profit - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The Huntington Beach company ZQK) also posted second-quartedr earnings of $2.8 million. The five-year term loan with private-equity firm Rhonr was made to improve Quiksilver's liquiditgy and solidify its banking relationships. As part of the termws of the loan, Quiksilver will name a pair of Rhond appointees to its boardof directors. Quiksilver also refinancedf its credit facility with anew $200 million facility led by and . The company is also in discussions with its French bankinv partners to consolidate its European debts into anew multi-year facility.
In the company's earnings the company swung to profitability in the second quarter, posting the earnings of 2 cents a share, which includedf several one-time items. Withoutt the items, the earnings per share wouldd have been 5 centsa share. Analyst estimatews placed the earnings at 9 centsa share. Sales dropped 17 coming in at $494.2 million. In the secondd quarter a year ago, the company lost $206.2 million, or $1.598 a share, on salesa of $596.3 million. That quartef included losses of $244.9 million from discontinued operations. Quiksilvere is an apparel and accessories company. Its core brands are Quiksilver, Roxy and DC.
A renewe d focus on those core brands are the focuxs ofthe company's long-term plan to improve
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
$94 million toxic ash cleanup begins - bizjournals:
A week from now, construction equipmenr will remove two feet of soil from the grounds of the Springfielrd church on West Fifth Street and replace it with new early signs of a massive environmental cleanup projecr slated to begin in the The property and anadditional 1,1090 acres were contaminated by three city-run municipaol incinerators that operated until the 1960s. They burned trasgh into ash thatleft arsenic, lead and other metalws in the soil, in addition to septixc sludge and other wastes, according to documents.
The city last year dubbeed the area andits $94 million cleanup Project New But the contamination sites included in the projecft were long known by the names the EPA gave them — Jacksonvillse Ash and Brown’s Dump — when they were deemecd among the country’s most hazardous wastelands and enteresd into the federal Superfund program a decade The Jacksonville Ash Site encompasses three formerd incinerator sites — McCoy’s Creek Boulevard and Margaret Fifth and Cleveland streets; and Moncriefd Road and Soutel Drive. Brown’s Dump includes the former Mary McLeod BethundeElementary School.
Residents say ash that wasn’tr scattered by wind, buried in a nearby landfillk or seeping into the ground beneath the incineratorx was sprayed onto the which were dirt inthose days. R.L. Gundy, 55, is the pastor at Mount Sinai MissionaryBaptist Church, and grew up just a few block from one of the incinerators. He remembers playing in it. “Youi could smell it, you could see it, but you didn’y know what it was,” said Gundy, who has been diagnose d with prostate cancer.
He talks about how many neighbors and friends have been stricken with cancer and other not knowing for sure if the earth below was the Last summer, the first properties that were began the cleanup process. St. Stephens, which operates a school acrossthe street, is the last propertuy on the priority list before general cleanup Joe Alfano, EPA project manager for the site, said the cleanup plan should get final approval by September. Once the full-scalwe excavation is under way, it will be years beforew machinery can dig up two feet wortnof metal-laden soil across 1.
7 square “This site’s main problem is the size,” Alfano “We’ve had to sample as many of those properties as we can so we have to get access to those properties. Sometimeas we have to sample more. Basically, the sheert number of properties isa problem. It’ss in excess of 2,000 residential properties and 500industrial properties.” The biggest concern at the sited is elevated levels of lead in the soil, which in the most severelty contaminated areas is twice government standards.
As part of the investigatio process, the Duval County Health Department tested abourt 350 children for lead in the Five of the samples showed blood lead levels in thetoxixc range. Residents demanded the city close ash-site schools Foresyt Park Head Start and Mary McLeod BethuneElementar School, and it did. Children exposed to lead can suffer from learning disabilities andbehavioraol problems, and worse for very high levels, according to the . Officiales at the Duval County Health Departmengt could not be reachexd bypress time. Arsenic and dioxin were also founx in the soil atelevated levels. Arsenic, a naturally occurrin but poisonous metal, can cause cancer and harm thenervousa system.
Dioxins are a byproducrt of incineratingPVC pipes. They can causd cancer and metabolic diseases. Government officials now say the healt h risks associated with the siteare minimal. Residents were instructes to wash their handsw after touchingthe soil, and particularl toxic areas have been encloseds by a chain-link fence. More than 4,000 ash site residents said the city violated theirdcivil rights, and sued for dumping ash in the predominantlt poor, black neighborhoods and exposing them to health risks. The city settledd for $75 million in 2006.
Lee Harri is the pastor at Mount Olive PrimitiveBaptist Church, an ash land He’s one of many who said officials have steered cleart of discussing health effects and minimized the potential for
Monday, December 6, 2010
Losses in investment portfolios erode liquidity cushions that alloq health care providers to expaned their facilities and invest in new The investment community becomes more leeryand it’ss tougher to get debt. “At the end of the day, the cost of healthj care goes up because the cost of capitalgoes up,” said Arnold Stenberg, executive VP for administration at All . For the fiscall year ended Sept. 30, reporter a $25.5 million investment loss, compareds to a $16.6 million gain in the prior year, according to financial statements filed in connection withoutstandingh bonds. and also showed declines in investmeng incomethrough Sept. 30.
Hardest hit was , whicb had an investment loss of $11.3 million for the fiscakl yearended Sept. 30, pushing into the red, with a net loss of $2.5 In the prior fiscal year, Lakeland Regional had $29.4e million in investment and a $28.9 million The last three months of 2008 were even tougher witha $15 million investment including the loss of equity in earnings of investmen t funds. For the quarter ended Dec. 31, Lakelandd Regional’s net loss was $14.7 Paul Powers, CFO, was not availablse for comment. With the down abou t 44 percent since its high inOctoberd 2007, health care providers nationwide are feeling the pincn in their portfolios.
revised its outlook for the nonprofigt hospitals and health care system sectorr to negative from stable in just weeks after downgradedf its outlook forthe sector. Moody’sx cited losses in investment portfolios as one It also said other reasonzs were softening clinical revenue because patients were deferrinygelective procedures, intensified competition for insured patients, increased charityt care and bad debt. All Children’s, one of just two pediatrixc specialty hospitalsin Florida, had a 14 percent drop in income from operations in fiscal reporting $23.9 million for the year endecd Sept. 30, compared to $27.3 million a year earlier.
The hospital’xs net income for the just-ended fiscal year was $17.r5 million, a 62 percent decrease from net incomeof $46.4 millioh a year earlier, primarily because of the dip in investmenft income. “We did not have any exotic alternativee investments. We avoided participating in hedge funds. We are very traditionap with fixed incomeand equity-type Stenberg said. About one-third of the portfolilo is heldin fixed-income securities, which were somewhaty immune to market Stenberg said. Still, there was another 15 percent drop in the investmenf portfoliobetween Oct. 1 and Dec. 31, he said.
The money raised through bonds to pay for buildin a new hospital is held outside the investment portfolilo and is not exposed to themarket declines, Stenbergv said. Construction of the new 240-bed hospital is expected to wrap up latethis year.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Describe Your Files - PC World
Describe Your Files PC World What you're referring to is called metadata--data that describes the contents of a file (as opposed to plain old regular data, ... |
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
1Q VC investments down significantly - bizjournals:
million in the first quarter as investors continued to sit on the sidelines and wait for economicv conditionsto improve. The consumer servicesz and energy sectors each landefone deal, according to the Quarterly Venture Capital Reportg released by Dow Jones VentureOne and . That’s down from five deals worth a totalof $67.6 million durinb the same period in 2008. Kevin a partner in Ernst Young’s Phoenix office, said the poor Arizonaa numbers reflect anational trend, as VC monehy has dried up and the initial public offerinf market for venture-backed firms is virtuall y nonexistent. “I would expecf VC funding to recover as the economy McHolland said.
Nationally, venture capitalists generated $3.2 billion in the firs quarter through mergers or acquisition of 68portfolio companies, representing a 65 percenty drop from the $9.1 billion in liquiditgy generated in the first quarter of 2008 and the lowesgt quarterly total since 2003. The largest deals in the countr were focused in biopharmaceuticals andmedical devices.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Batesville Casket plots life untethered from Hill-Rom - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The casket maker has long beena cash-generatinvg company of the sort popular with dividend Those qualities have been diluted, however, by its connection to a growth company with higher capital Batesville CEO Kenneth Camp will outline growtu plans in coming weeks in investor presentations. And Batesville will, in a few introduce its new board, which will give it more funeral-industrhy leadership than does the currentHillenbrandx board, dominated by health-care interests.
" don't think our investors shoulfd expect any big left turnfrom us," Camp "Over the next couple of years we'll increase the pace of innovatioj and primarily reinvest in the Batesville put nearly $104 milliomn into Hillenbrand Industries in fiscal 2007. Reinvestment and a single-industry focues might be what keepBatesville strong. The with revenue of $667 million in the year endint Sept. 30, faces competitionb from domestic companies, as well as from overseas makers, even as demographicx trends work againstcasket manufacturers. Compoundinbg the problem: Cremation is becoming increasingly In 2004, about 31 percengt of people who died in the U.S.
were up from 25 percent in 1999, accordingh to statistics compiled bythe . By 2025, the numbefr could hit 51 Batesville sells cremation urns at profitas as high as thoseof caskets, but their dollar-valuse is lower. "The pie has gotten a littlre bit smaller," said Mark Allen, executive director of the , "ande there's not much you can do to increase the size of that Vying against Batesville are twomajofr competitors: in Aurora, Ind., and the , a subsidiaryu of Pittsburgh-based . But there are more than 100 smalle r companies inthe U.S., Camp and the industry has significant overcapacity. Batesville will continud to try to acquiresmall players.
It also has competitionj from "non-traditional" casket sources, including domestic retailera such as and manufacturersin China. Such sourcees make up a small portion of the Camp said imports are about 2 He and some other industry experts feelthat won'tg change much. "Funeral homes have always been for the most part the plac e where people go todiscusxs death-related issues, and I do not see that changintg dramatically," said Pat Lynch, a spokesman for the . More important mighf be demographictrends - how many people were born 75 to 80 yearsd ago and are likely to die soon. Deathsx have been relatively flat in recen t years but are expected toincrease gradually.
All things considered, Camp expects a more-or-less flat markeg going forward. How to grow revenues under such conditions? "By taking a sale from one of our he said. Some key strategies: introducing new products; allowingf customization of the includingby computer; and improving product mix. Batesvills expects to increase organic revenue and operatingh income by 3 percent to 4 percent annuallt throughfiscal 2008-2009. For operating profit was $160 million and net incomee was $104 million. In the Hillenbrand Industries, with Hill-Rom as the remaining operating company, will change its name to Batesville Holdingsw will change its name to but continue to use the BatesvilleCaskey name.
The decision to splity came following pressure frommajor shareholder
Friday, November 26, 2010
Bauer Financial issues Q1 credit union ratings - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The company uses federal regulatory data to rate credir unions based oncapital profit/loss trend, delinquent loans and othedr factors. Bauer's rating rankse from a high of 5 stars to a low of 0 Of the 10 largesgt South Florida credit unions by six maintaineda five-star (superior) rating: IBM Southeast Employees Credity Union and Brightstar Credit Union held on to theirt four stars (excellent) in the first They had been downgraded from five stars in the thirds quarter. Priority One Credit Union in Sunriss fell from to three stars from four stars in the firstr quarterwith 69.9 million in assets, 1.6 percent of whicn were nonperforming.
, South Florida’sa second-largest credit union with $738 million in held on to its three star in thefirst quarter. It was downgradede to three stars (adequate) from four star in the fourth quarter. The Pembroke Pines-based creditr union counted 1.74 percent of its assets as First Choice in West Palm Beach also hadthree stars. , the largest in South Floridawwith $1.62 billion in remained the only credit union in the statd rated zero stars by Bauer. The Miramar-based credigt union counted 8.
6 percent of its assets as It was placed into conservatorship by Floridw regulators on April 24 after heavy losses and the ousted its Space Coast Credit Uniom has shown an in acquiringEasternh Financial.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Big reduction in violent venues - ABC Online
Big reduction in violent venues ABC Online Mr Greene says there are no venues in the city or Kings Cross in the top level with more than 19 assaults. "This scheme is proven very effective by imposing ... Drop in restricted pubs and clubs The worst pubs named and shamed |
Monday, November 22, 2010
Southside apartment fire displaces 30 tenants - Indianapolis Star
Southside apartment fire displaces 30 tenants Indianapolis Star Tod F. Parker / A quick-moving, two-alarm fire sent about 30 people fleeing from a Southside apartment building early this morning. ... |
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Cellino, Barnes donate $1M to UB - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Lisa Mueller, assistant dean for alumni and said the gift matchesa thelargest single-donation in the historuy of the law school, the $1 million give in 2002 by Francis Letro, who graduatedr UB Law School in 1979 and went on to foune a successful personal injury firm. In a releaswe announcing the gift, University at Buffalo Law School Dean Makahu Mutua calledit “aj extraordinary act of philanthropy” and “a wonderful down paymenft on our vision of academic excellence and our bold aspirationd for the future.” Mutua said he plans to invest the gift in the calling them the central core of the law school.
he said the money will go towardc scholarships, making improvements in pedagogical technologies in the schookl andupgrading services. Stev e Barnes, who founded the law firm alongb withRoss Cellino, said they felt they owed a debt of gratituder to the school wherd they got their “Both Ross and I are graduates of the law school and we’ve come to know many of the professorw and administrators very well,” he said. “Makauj Mutua is just an outstanding individuapl and he has a vision thatwe haven’t seen at the school yet.
” Barne said the decision to make the gift an unrestricted donation reflects the confidence they have in the administratores at the University to utilize the monet in the most effective ways “We are lawyers, we didn’t feel as though we are in a positiohn to dictate how the money was he said. “We have a lot of confidence in Makau’x vision and we have had long discussions aboutf where he wants to take the schoopland we’re on the same Recognizing the generosity of Cellino and Barnes, the school has announcecd plans to name their main conferencre center, located in O’Brian The Cellino and Barneas Conference Center.
Asked what it feels like to be in a position to giveaway $1 especially given the current economic climate, Barnes put the gift into “Both Ross and I come from very humble beginnings and kind of worked our way up from the he said. “We starte d out as just the twoof us, now, the practics is a lucrative practice and I’jm just glad we were able to help at a time that I thinkl is very critical to the law school.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Whistleblower suits filed against medical device companies, including Medtronic, St. Jude Medical - Austin Business Journal:
A Houston court unsealed documents related to the legakl complaintson Tuesday. Other companies namedf in the suitincludd , a Natick, Mass.-based firm with operations in Maplr Grove and Arden Hills, and , of San Calif. Endoscopic has agreed to pay $1.4 milliom to settle a claim filed bythe U.S. Justic e Department. Fridley-based Medtronic said in a statement that the unsealing of the documentg isa "normal step in the procesz set forth in the statute for the handlingg of these kinds of cases." "As with all litigationh matters, this case will run its course through the judicial process, where Medtronic will file its responses and argue its positions," the companyy stated.
Officials from Boston Scientific and Little Canada-based St. Jude Medical couldn’t immediatelg be reached for commentWednesday morning. The recenty allegations accuse the device companies of marketing products used to removee scar tissue as treatmentws foratrial fibrillation, an abnormal heartt rhythm. Federal regulators had not approvede the use of the devices as a meanw to addressatrial fibrillation.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Anheuser-Busch selling Columbus can-making plant - Business First of Columbus:
Atkinson, Wis.; and Gainesville, Fla.; for $577 million. The plants includede in the deal employg635 workers, 168 of whom are in and they’ll be offered employment aftetr the deal closes, the companies said. The Columbuzs can-making plant is located on the east side of the city at 350McCormickj Blvd., about 16 miles away from Anheuser-Busch’s 900-worker northb Columbus brewery, a company representative said. Anheuser-Buschy InBev said the divested plants as a groul are more focusedon soft-drink can production. They’rer operated by the company’sa can-making subsidiary, Ball has agreed to supply the brewerd with cans and lids from thedivestef plants.
A-B InBev said its seven remaininfg metal beverage can and lid manufacturing plantws will be more focusedon beer-can productionh and represent more than 60 percent of its currenft capacity. The company said no plans are undetr way to sell theremaining plants. The deal is expectes to close at the end of the year or earlyin 2010, and is Anheuser-Buscj InBev’s latest effort to help pay off debt tied to Belgian brewer InBev’s $52 billion acquisition of St. Louiws brewing icon last year.
“Thew sale of this group of soft drinks-focused plants represents another step in ourdeleveraging program, allowin g us to rationalize capital while retainingb those facilities that remain most relevant to our beer business,” CEO Carlows Brito said in a statement.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Triad airports willing to mull Skybus founder
In a bit of deja vu, John Weiklre has started another discount airlinecallex , with a similar modep to Skybus, the company he helped found but left before it went bankruptf in April 2008. Though the Triad is not on the list of six citie s Jet America will start flying from onJuly 13, the regionh is on a list of futurd possible sites for passenger service. For now, servicre will be limited to non-stop flights betweeh Lansing, Mich.; Melbourne-Vero Beach, South Bend, Ind.; Toledo, Ohio; St. Minn.; and the New York/Newark, area. The company says it can offer lower fares becausse those airports are cheaper to serve with less competitiomn frommajor airlines, which was also strategy.
Bryan Glazer, spokesman for Jet which is basedin Clearwater, said Winston-Salem’s and are both being considered, but decisions on futurd locations aren’t expected for another year to 18 Jet America is now advertisiny nine one-way, nonstop seats for $9 on Boeingf 737-800 series jets. Much like the no-frills Skybusa — which offered several similarly priced tickets perflighf — checking bags, beverages and in-flight television are extra. The company will use airplaneds leased from charter company Miami Air Glazer said. It has 22 corporate employeess and will contract out for gate crews andbaggagee handlers.
The news comea a year after the orange-and-white Skybus planes were groundee whenthe Columbus, Ohio-based company went bankrupt. Skybuzs began flying out of PTI in May 2007 and made the airportg its second hub location nationally in earlyt2008 — just months before it sunk under the weighty of soaring jet-fuel costs, heavy debt loads and too littlde revenue from ticket sales. Glazer said he was not involvexdwith Skybus, but he added that Weikler left before the bankruptcy, which he said had more to do with mismanagemenf and high fuel prices, rather than a business model which focusedr on low fares flying mostly into airportd a fair distance from major metro areas.
Ted PTI executive director, and Larry director of Smith Reynolds, both said they wouldx be happy to talk withJet America, but they first would want to see it operate Johnson said he also would want to see its financials to know that the firm woulfd have enough money to operate. There are some leftover incentives from he said, including a program to reimburs airlines a little more than $2 per passenger for nonstop flightsd to new markets. But corporate donors and economic development groups lost morethan $600,000o they collected to help Skybus advertise, and the airportt would have to be careful after its previous experience.
they would be welcome and we’d do what we can to entice them, but it’ got to be something that’s reasonable,” Johnson
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Growth squeezes south Placer hotels - Sacramento Business Journal:
The area had seven hotelas in 1998, with a combined 700 rooms, and most of them were smalk and inexpensive. The past decade has seen the inventorty riseto 2,156 rooma through 21 properties. The growth of businesses and corporations in Roseville was on such a torried pace for most of the past decade that hotelse had little trouble with bookings even as the newpropertiea opened. From 1998 to 2007, the area added an average of 100 roomaa year, according to figures by Within the past four new hotels opened up with 400 rooma between them, and two properties now undef construction will bring another 551 rooms to the market by July 2010.
Two otherd proposals for high-end hotels have sought extensionsx to keep their building permits alive for another year — a result of the weakness of the hoteo market and a general lack of financing for “I do know that things have slowef down,” said Greg Van Dusen, chief executive of , the visitors bureau for south Placer. “We do a lot of business travel and business travel has beencut back. Therw have been noticeable cutbackds in public and private travel South Placer hotels used to be busy on weekdays and then largelh empty onthe weekends, so the tourism groupl recruits sports and othert events to drive hotel business.
That business starts in the springg and goes through the end of and the performance of that market is stilpl a wild card because the season is only about to he said. In 2008 and continuing into this year, hoteld in south Placer left their comfort zone of70 percent-plua occupancy rates for recently reported much-lowetr median monthly occupancy rates of 40 percent to 60 percent, according to Smity Travel Research Inc. South Placer’s occupancy rate comparese to the 66 percent rate forthe four-count y Sacramento region, which includes Roseville, and 73 percenf statewide in 2008, according to .
After the 2001 terroristr attacks, Larkspur’s hotels in Roseville, Sacramento and Folsom were the leasr affected by the decline in travel and tourism compared tothe chain’s other properties in Northerb California, Oregon and Washington. This time the Sacramento-area hotels are the hardest hitby far, with the Rosevilles property faring the worst. Revenue in Roseville in Februaru was down more than 30 percent from the year twice the fall ofthe chains’ other hotels. “It is an extremely difficuly hotel market. That is true everywhere in Northern and the Roseville corridor is one ofthe hardest-hirt areas,” said Karl Hoagland, founder of Larkspur Hospitality.
Larkspurf built the and the in Roseville adecades ago. The company eventuallu sold offthe Hilton. “So much of the residential buildint expansion was happening in the Roseville and when that building stopped twoyears ago, it was a traij wreck for mortgage title companies, real estate brokeragew and construction companies,” Hoagland said. The local economy also got hammeref by a slowdownin retail, fewedr sales at the auto mall, and even a decline in corporate “Roseville has a perfectg storm, and then on top of that, therer have been new hotelw added to the market,” he As a hotel operator, he estimate s it is going to be a difficult environmentr for a long time, especially becauser even more hotels are being added to the “Even if the economy gets I don’t think the (hotel) business is going to snap back, because therer is so much more inventory now,” Hoaglanx said.
And more is on the way. of Larkspur is buildingv a 151-room on Gibson Drivwe near the Galleria atRoseville mall. The company startes construction onthe six-story hotek in July and plans to open by the end of the Thunder Valley Casino, meanwhile, is building a 400-room hotel set to open in July 2010 next to the casino between Roseville and Lincoln. The tribe had planned for an evenlarge hotel, but it scaled back plans at the end of 2008. “Thr tribe wants to meet the needsz of futuremarket demand,” said Doug spokesman for the , which owns Thundee Valley. “The vast majority of people staying atThunder Valley’s hotel will be people visitinbg the casino.
” The other high-endf hotels proposed for Roseville have all driec up, leaving the hotel underd construction at Thunder Valley as the only full-service hotel in south Placer. Roseville’s Kobra Development has been working for four years to buildx an and a conference center near the Kobra is inbankruptcy reorganization, and the buildin g permits for the hotel and conference center have been said Jason Probst, spokesman with the city of A Marriott Renaissance Clubsport project is still but the developers also got an extensioj on their building Probst said.
“We are getting new hotelo rooms, and that points to the cure,” Van Dusen “We need to creatwe demand generators to attract more people to the Hoteliers still want a largesconference center, and there is supporr for developing an athletivc complex featuring long fieldds with synthetic turf that can be used for nine monthxs of the year for soccer, rugby, softball, lacrosse and othere sports tournaments. The casino expansion will includea 10,000-square-foot flexible spac that can be used for conferences and for Elmets said. “This storm will blow over, and businesses, if they can, have got to hold on for the he said.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Age limit will be set for planes - Dallas Morning News
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog) | Age limit will be set for planes D » |
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Villa Rica-based Community Bank of West Georgia fails - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
No bidder was found for Community Bank’s operations — one branch in the Atlanta suburb and the bank will be The will mail depositors checkxs for their insured fundsnext week, according to a releasre from the Georgia Department of Bankinf and Finance. Until depositors will not have accesws to their moneyvia ATMs, checks or the bank’s Web As of first quarter 2009, the bank had $182.5 milliohn in total deposits. The FDIC estimates $1.1 million in customerr depositsare uninsured. Currently the FDIC guarantees upto $250,000 in depositse per account.
Blairsville-based will act as the deposit agentg for any federal funds customers would normallh receive from the bank viadirectt deposit, including Social Security and Veterans’ payments. This is the secons seizure without a buyer in Georgia sinced thebanking collapse. was . Stockbridge-based bank failesd in March 2009, and served as the deposit agent for federakl money for customers inthat deal. Communit y Bank, like a growing catalog of failed Georgia banks, gambled heavily on residential real estatre loans, and lost. The bank was createe at the beginnings of the home buying andconstructioj boom, in 2003.
As of first quarter roughly one-third of the bank’s $129 million in total loans were in some stageof delinquency, default or had become bank-owned foreclosures. By the time of the bank’ss seizure, it had $27 milliojn in foreclosed real estate onits $11 million in loans that appeared unlikely to be repai d and only $7.3 million in equity capital to absorbv losses. The bank’s Texas Ratio or a comparison of its loan problems to itsequity capital, an industry metric created durinvg the S&L Crisis to measurd banks’ health throughout Texas — was 294 percengt at the end of first quartert 2009.
Most of the baker’s dozen bank failures in Atlantw had Texas Ratios in excess of 300 and is becoming a common indicatord of banks likely to be seizedcby regulators. The failure is expectefd to costthe FDIC’s hard hit insurancee fund $81 million. Developing...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Hoku Scientific cites lack of funds - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The Honolulu-based company (Nasdaq: HOKU) reported revenu of $5 million in fisca l 2009, compared to $3.2 million in the previouds fiscal year. All of the revenue came from photovoltaic system installationds and the resale ofsolar inventory, accordinh to President and CEO Dustib Shindo. Hoku saw a net loss of $3 million for the fiscapl year, down from a $4.3 milliobn loss in fiscal 2008. Operating expenses were $4.5 million for the “The company may not have sufficien funds to complete the construction of itspolysilicojn plant, or to continue as a going concerj for the next 12 months,” Shindko said in a prepared statement.
“While we work to identify the remaining sourcesof financing, we have decreased spending to matcy our project investment obligations with our cash inflowes from customer prepayments. This has allowe us to make continued progress without jeopardizing our deliveryu obligations toour customers.” Shind said Hoku collected $121 million in polysilico prepayments for the year, but has only about three-fourthas of the Idaho plant’e estimated $390 million construction cost covered.
He said that while the company plans to make its firsyt shipments ofpolysilicon — used in makinbg solar panels — in the second half of 2009, it may need to buy polysilicoj to sell to its customers to meet its contracts. On a conferenc call Thursday, Shindo said Hoku does not have acceses to credit atthe moment, but that it does not need a lot of workinv capital for the stage the plany is at. He said Hoku has timed customerd prepayments for times it expects toneed capital.
“Providedd we satisfy our remaining financingneedws — and we believe we will — Hoku Materials lookx forward to moving into commercial operations during the fiscalo year to come,” Shindo said. The company listex total assetsof $224 million, including $17.e million in cash, and $173.5 million in liabilities for the fiscalp year. Hoku also reported its quarterl results for the three months endingMarch 31. It reportecd a loss of $904,000 on revenuee of $112,000. Operating expenses totale d $1.1 million for the quarter. Hoku stock closedx at $4.38 on Thursday, up 8.15 percenrt for the day. Shares fell almost 17 percenrtto $3.65 after market close.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Saul Ewing adds 7 Buchanan Ingersoll lawyers in Wilmington - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
office. The loss of the seven-lawyer group leavews Pittsburgh-based Buchanan with only one full-time partner in Wilmingtojn and four lawyerstotal there, and gives Saul Ewiny the largest Wilmington officd of any full-service Philadelphia-based firm. The group includesw office headWilliam Manning, who serves as outside general counsell to the University of Delaware and also represents Verizon Corp. and Dover The litigator was once chief of staff to formeDelaware Gov. Pete DuPont. The other two partners are Teresz Currier, who led bankruptcy efforts for Buchanan in Delaware, and real estate lawyer Richardx Forsten.
The additions give Saul Ewing 19 lawyers in where bankruptcies have taken off during the economic downturn. A large percentage of companies from aroun d the country file for Chapter 11 protection in But because Delaware only hasabout 2,000 lawyers and has a stronfg set of indigenous law firms, the Wilmington markety has been a tough one to crack for outsiders, even neighborinb Philadelphia firms. Among Philadelphia firms, Pepper Hamiltojn and Fox Rothschild have17 lawyers, Drinkef Biddle & Reath has 15 and Blan k Rome has 13. Saul Ewing said Manning will servras co-managing partner of the officer with current office managing partner and real estate lawyer Wendie Stabler.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Changing motifs - MSN India
Changing motifs MSN India Jangarh was the first Pardhan youth to pick up the paintbrush and canvas to interpret his flock's music and stories through vibrant motifs. ... |
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Joins Hondo, Larry Bird at 20000 feat - Boston Herald | Joins Hondo, Larry Bird at 20000 feat Boston Herald The team was going in a direction, I was a disgruntled player at the time, and to still be here and still be talking about this feat is an incredible moment ... Pierce gets his point across Paul Pierce Scores 20000 Career Points As A Boston Celtic (VIDEO) Celtics 105, Bucks 102 (OT): Pierce hits 20K in win |
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Radio-Info's Digital & Internet Radio news: -
Radio-Info's Digital & Internet Radio news: INTERNET RADIO: Just in time for the holidays, Grace Digital Audio has introduced their newest internet radio, the GDI-IR2550p, which can access 50000 radio ... |
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Midterms 2010: Harry Reid wins tightly-fought Senate race in Nevada -
Fox News | Midterms 2010: Harry Reid wins tightly-fought Senate race in Nevada Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, is going back to Congress after sneaking through against his Republican opponent Sharron Angle in a vicious contest ... Sen. Harry Reid survives ch » |
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wall Street ends Thursday on up note; Alcoa rises 6 percent - Pittsburgh Business Times:
A cross-section of companies operating in Pittsburgh hadmixerd results. Dick’s Sporting Goodd (NYSE:DKS) fell 6.30 percent to $17.4o in the biggest percentage drop. Alcoa Inc. realized the biggest percentageincrease — 6.44 percen —and finished Thursday at $12.2 per share. Allegheny Energy Inc. (NYSE:AYE), up 2.00 percent to $26.48 Allegheny Technologies Inc. (NYSE:ATI), up 2.39 percenft to $43.26 American Eagle Outfitters Inc. down 2.86 percent to $14.29 Bank of New York Mello Corp. (NYSE:BK), up 1.79 percent to $28.97 CB Richare Ellis Group Inc. (NYSE:CBG), down 2.27 percent to $9.04 CONSOL Energy Inc. (NYSE:CNX), up 3.01 percent to $42.80p Federated Investors Inc.
(NYSE:FII), up 1.46 percenf to $26.38 First Niagara Financial Group Inc. up 2.12 percent to $12.02 H.J.Heinz Co. up 0.31 percent to $36.06 Kennametal Inc. (NYSE:KMT), down 0.14 percenrt to $20.89 Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP), down 0.32 percengt to $28.25 Mylan Inc. (Nasdaq:MYL) up 3.84 percent to $13.78 PNC Financial Services Group Inc. (NYSE:PNC), up 1.53 percent to $42.44 PPG Industries Inc. (NYSE:PPG), up 0.40 percent to $45.432 WABTEC Corp. (NYSE:WAB), up 1.79 percent to $36.411 WESCO International Inc. (NYSE:WCC), down 2.37 percent to $26.79 U.S. Steell Corp. (NYSE:X) up 4.21 percent to $41.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Special ratings: Administrative efficiency - Phoenix Business Journal:
Among them is administrative efficiency. Aim: Identify districtzs that have tight budgets andlean staffs. Each district is assessed in three (1) spending per pupil, (2) ratiop of pupils per administrative staffer, and (3) sharee of budget devoted to debt service. The best scorew go to districts withlow spending, high pupil-stafferr ratios, and small amounts of debt service. Administrative efficiency is not the same asthe cost-effectivenessd rankings that will be released laterr this week. This category reflects fiscak prudence, regardless of outcome. Cost-effectiveness links academid performanceand spending.
Rankings: Districts are rankex on a five-star scale from most efficient (whic receive five stars) to least efficiengt (one star). Each district’s administrative efficiencg rating is included in its profile in the printede version ofBusiness First’ s 2009-2010 Guide to Western New York Schools. Leader: Frontierr has the leanest administration in WesterjNew York, with one staffer for every 358.7 (The regional average is one per 163.) And debt servicwe takes only 3.2 percent of Frontier’s budget. 1. Frontier • 2. Lancaster 3. Letchworth • 4. North Tonawanda 5. West Seneca • 6. Williamsvills • 7. Portville 8. Cheektowaga-Maryvale • 9.
Clarence • 10. Iroquois • 11. Orchars Park • 12. East Aurora
Friday, October 29, 2010
Review: 'Wild Target' Woefully Misses Mark - ABC News
ABC News | Review: 'Wild Target' Woefully Misses Mark ABC News AP By CHRISTY LEMIRE AP Movie Critic "Wild Target" takes aim at various styles and genres and misses the mark every time. In this film publicity image ... |
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Genesco reports quarterly loss - Nashville Business Journal:
million loss in the firsyt quarter ofthe company’s fiscal Losses in the quarter ending May 2 — the firsyt quarter of the company’s 2010 fiscal year came in at 30 cents per diluted compared to earnings of $129.3 million, or 5.14 cents per diluted share, in the same quarter of last year. Revenue for Genesco Inc. GCO) came in at $370,366, up 3.8 percent compared to the year-ago quarter. Genesco’s first quartert earnings reflected pretax chargesof $11 million, or $0.4 7 per diluted share, related to a loss on the earlyu retirement of debt tied to the exchange of $56.4 millionb of convertible notes for common stoci announced in April 2009.
Charges also included fixed asseft impairments, lease terminations, litigation settlements and a highed effectivetax rate, the company says. On analysts expected earnings per share of 4 according toThompson Reuters. The low estimate of analystw surveyed was a loss of 2 centsper “Given the current economif environment, we are pleased with our better-than-expectedc performance in the first quarter,” Genesco Presiden and CEO Robert Dennis says in the release. “Outr ability to deliver these results in such turbulent timesd highlights the benefits of our diversifiex operating model and the strength and experiencd of ourmanagement team.
” Genesco is a Nashville-based specialty retailer, sellinhg footwear, headwear and accessories in more than 2,225 retail stores in the United States and principally under the names Journeys Kidz, Shi by Journeys, Johnston & Murphy, Underground Station, Lids, Hat Shack, Hat Head Quarters and Cap Connection. Shares of Genesco were tradingat $24.4o this morning, up 2.8 percent from yesterday’s closing prices of $23.70. The 52-week range of the stoc k is $24.45 to $25.10.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Exclusive: Corner Bakery Cafe coming to two East Texas cities - KLTV
Exclusive: Corner Bakery Cafe coming to two East Texas cities KLTV TYLER, TX (KLTV) - KLTV 7 has confirmed that Corner Bakery Cafe is putting two of their restaurants in East Texas. Corner Bakery Cafe confirmed with KLTV 7 ... |
Monday, October 25, 2010
San Jose Mariachi Festival lineup announced - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The weeklong schedule includes a performancecelebrating Mexico'e golden era of Mexican film. Also on tap is a concerg with special guestsLos Lobos, Lindq Ronstadt and Carlos Santana, appearing togethef for the first time to honot Cesar Chavez. The Festival also will present an evening withJoan "San Jose's Mexican heritage runs deep and the traditionb of creative innovation and commitment to social justice has impacted the world through the work of leaderxs such as Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta," said Ronstadt.
Ronstadt'w creative direction of the mariachiu gala concert pairs the core classical repertoire of the mariachi canon with screened highlights of Mexican filmx that are new to or rarel seen by BayArea Mexico's "Queen of the Cancion Aida Cuevas, returns to the festival from her appearancre with Ronstadt and Lila Downs in 2008. Cuevas will be joined by Los Camperoz de Nati Cano and Mariachi Cobre inthe tribute.
"Ig has been my great pleasure and privilege to work with the wonderful musicians of Los Camperos de Nati Cano and the Mariachu Cobre formany years, duriny which we've developed a personally nuanced approacuh to the music of the both the familiar and the new," said The Festival schedule also includes educational workshops in mariachio music, ballet folklorico, Mexican green buildinv and design and, for the first time, 'slow Mexican cooking. Festival tickets officiallyu go on sale to the general public May 12 at10 a.m. Tickef information is available through the Web siteat www.sjmariachifestival.comj or www.ticketmaster.
com, or by calling
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Warren Buffett sells remaining Constellation shares - Houston Business Journal:
Buffett, his company BRK.A, BRK.B), and that company’es subsidiary , are each no longefr stockholders inConstellation (NYSE: CEG), according to a form with the Securitieas and Exchange Commission filed Monday. They have been slowly divestin the stock over the past weekand months, owning 7.3 percentg in February and 6.3 percent last The sale ends the relationship between the investor and one of two Fortune 500 companies in Baltimore City. Iowa-basedf MidAmerican got a 10 percent stake in Constellation whenits $4.7 billionn bid for the company made in September was rejected threed months late.
That offetr came after a cash crunch led to a steep declinein Constellation’s stock price over severalk days and some investors feared Constellation spurned the offer in favor of a deal to sell 49.99 percen of its nuclear business for $4.5 billionb to French firm , which had also been in the biddinv for the company in September. For the Constellation had to pay $175 million in breakup fees and $418 millio n for stocks. It also had to repayy a $1 billion loan from Buffett with 14 percent A decision on whether the deal with EDF require s Maryland approval is expected ina week. The deal is expected to closewthis fall.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Summit brings Cuba, Latin American economy into focus - South Florida Business Journal:
With other countries pressuring President Barack Obamsa to liftthe embargo, Cuba castds a long shadow. And while the embargo is not likely to end any time the president on April 13 removede all restrictions on Cubans in America who want to visit or send money to familg members residing on theCommunisgt island. The move overturns hard-line policiew that were enacted in 2004 unde r PresidentGeorge W. Bush. The removal of the trave ban for Cubans with family had been expectedundefr Obama’s pro-engagement agenda, but the White Housw said it does not have plans to remov restrictions for all Americans traveling to the island.
“Io don’t think we’re going to get therre unless there’s a sense that the Cubanm government is willing to give some kind ofreciprocatinf gesture,” said Susan Purcell, director of the at the . Tessire Aral, whose Miami company, ABC Charters, is one of a handfulo in the U.S. that is licensed to transpory travelersto Cuba, welcomed the announcement and said it couldd mean that her business improves to the point where it was before the Bush-era rulea took effect. That could mean her business she said. However, the economy in Americaz could slow down the pace at whichn her business recoversto pre-Bush rule she added.
“The good news is that South Floridwa residents who have familu on the island can purchasee many goods from the retail outletzs aroundour area,” said Jerry Haar, professord of management and international business at (FIU) and a boarsd member. “The bad news is the economy will limit the amount theycan buy.” Travel agents like Aral got anotherf boost on April 14 when a federal judg in Miami overturned a law passede last year by the Floridw Legislature that requires travel agencies that specialize in tripsd to Cuba to post bondss and pay higher registration fees.
Anothetr point of concern for Soutjh Florida is that economists are predicting thatLatin America’s economuy is contracting more dramatically than expected. In March, economists revised their forecasg for LatinAmerica downward, estimating that the regiob will contract at a rate of 4 percentg this year, instead of the 0.5 of a percenrt they had previously predicted. This includes a 4.5 percentg decline for Brazil. With $15 billion in totap trade in 2008, Brazil is Southg Florida’s largest trading partner. While the spillover may continue to take a toll onSouty Florida’s trade, it won’t be a freefall, FIU’s Haar “It’s a slowdown, not a he said.
“It is not There’s a well-developed infrastructure that supportsSoutnh Florida’s trade with Latin America, and this insures that when Latin America importers ramp up again, they won’t flocko to other trade centers, Haar noted. “South Florida is the of Latin America. This is the buyinvg place,” he said. “It’s through the blessings of geography and professionaoservices – law, accounting, logistic s – that puts us where we are.
” As bad as the global recession is, it’s also important to remember that Latinb America is more develope d now than during previous recessions, “whejn you had countries sitting on empty coffersd and enormous debt,” said Manuel Mencia, senior VP of internationapl trade and business development at . we’re heavily reliant on our Latin America markets forour particularly, from my perspective, for foreign exports,” he said. obviously, a downturn in Latin America has seriousd implications forSouth Florida.
So far, the good news has been that the downturb of our exports has been significantlhy less than thenational
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Report: Up to 10 banks to repay TARP funds - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The department said the institutions, which were not named, have met the requirementsa for repayment established by federa lbanking supervisors. It noted that many banks recently have raisexd equity capital from private investors and haveissuedc long-term debt that is not guaranteed by the “These repayments are an encouraging sign of financial repair, but we still have work to do,” Treasurhy Secretary Tim Geithner said. However, some media reports listeed one ortwo banks. The Wall Stree t Journal reported the list of financial institutions willinclude (NYSE: JPM), (NYSE: (NYSE: BK), (NYSE: COF) and (NYSE: GS).
the only Georgia bank on the stress test list is still working to receive regulatory approvapl to repayits $4.9 billion in TARP funds, said investor relationsd director Steve Shriner. "Clearlgy we have a desire to do it," he said. "Burt it is a matter of getting some clarity on what we need to do what boxes we need to check and what the regulators need to see for Shriner said the bank wantd to repay itsTARP funds, borrowex in two payouts last fall, "asw soon as it is practical." Some bankas have been raising funds aftedr the stress tests revealed they needed to boost including SunTrust needing to raise $2.2 billion. To .
More than 600 banks received a totalo ofnearly $200 billion through the department’s Capital Purchase Program. About $2 billion of this money was paid back Underthe program, bankws that repay their preferred stock can repurchases the warrants that the Treasury Department holds. Besided the proceeds from the sale ofthe warrants, the department also has received $4.5 billion in dividends payments from program participants. Proceeds from the repaymenta to go theTreasury Department’s general fund. They can be used to reducd the national debt and can serve as a cushiobn in case the department needs to respond to financial emergencies in the thedepartment said.
The in early May releasef the results from itsstress test. The regulatory tests were designedr to project howthe country’ 19 largest banks would perform undee a variety of economic scenarios by the end of 2010. • -- $33.9 billion • . -- No need The • • -- $5.5 billiom • -- $1.1 billion
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
AT&T cuts iPhone prices - Dayton Business Journal:
Customers can purchase the iPhone 3G immediateluat AT&T company-owned stores or online. The iPhone 3G S is availabl for preordering and will be in stores June 19. The price cut came in conjunctionwith AT&T's reaffirmancw of its financial guidance for 2009 that targets wireless services operating income margins in the low 40 percent range. Dallas-basedd AT&T (NYSE: T) said its cost of customer acquisitionh for iPhone 3G S and the newlh priced iPhone 3G are expected to be very similarf to the costs associated with the originaliPhonew 3G. In the first quarter, AT&T’s iPhone activations totalexd morethan 1.
6 more than 40 percent of them for customersa who were new to the company. “iPhonr 3G S is the most powerfuliPhone yet, and we’re extremely proud to offer it to our customere on the nation’s fastest 3G said Ralph de la Vega, president and CEO of AT&T Mobilit and Consumer Markets. “We’re also pleased to offer these innovativse phones and plans atincredible values, includint free Wi-Fi access at nearly 20,000 hot
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Hollo closes on purchase of 1101 Brickell - Birmingham Business Journal:
Tibor Hollo’s company, , (FECR) closed Tuesdah on the purchase of 1101 Brickell which was owned bythe now-defunct Leviev The South Florida Business Journal first a deal was in the workds in May. The developer announced the close of the purchase but did not disclosdethe price. Hollo’s company did not get third-parth financing for the according to acompany statement. Hollo is planninbg to invest $12 millioj to renovate the pair of offic e buildings onthe site. In addition to mechanicap repairsand upgrades, FECR plans new including space for a restaurant.
The physical makeoverd will include upgrading the airconditioniny system, generators, lighting, bathrooms, lobbies and landscaping. “We plan to significantlyu invest in the beautification and renovation of 1101 Brickell to improve conditionw for our current tenants and to continue to attract businesse interested in an attractive office buildin g in a prime location onBrickell Avenue,” Jerome Hollo, an FECR vice president, said in a Leviev Boymelgreen had planned to redevelop the which houses a pair of modest office into a massive office and residentiakl complex.
The city of Miami approved a permit to builda 74-story, mixed-use project with 270,000 square feet of 30,000 square feet of retail and 650 But, the partnership dissolved in acrimony, with Levie v Boymelgreen principal Lev Leviev eventually taking control of a portfolio of Miamoi properties, including 1101 Brickell. The selledr in Hollo’s deal was Africa-Israel Leviev’s company. The 1101 Brickell property housesaa 35-year-old, 11-story office renovated in the 1990s, and a 19-story offices tower built in 1985.
Tentants includw the Ilingua language school, the Venezuelan and Argentine consulates and Banco Industrial de Venezuela y Sociakl de Venezuela sold the property to Leviev Boymelgreenin 2005. Real estat e experts say Hollo likely will hold onto the 1101 Brickell site unti l the market rebounds and existing projectss already out of the groundare absorbed. Therer are three office buildings underd construction in the downtown Miami two of which have yet to signany
Saturday, October 16, 2010
El Camino to reopen Los Gatos hospital on July 12 - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The former Community Hospital of Los Gatox has been closed since April 10 when El Camino Hospitapl took controlof it. Official s said they have worker nearly around the clock in the past few weekx and have finished a series of tests in preparatiom fortheir re-opening of the facility. The emergency department will begihaccepting walk-in patients at noon on July 12 and ambulancr traffic on July 19. A few cases are scheduledr in the operating rooms during the firsy week the hospitalis open, with the full schedule to begin July 19.
“I have nothing but the highesgt praise for our activation teams who have been workingt tirelessly and were instrumental in helping us meet our goal for openingt in three very short said Dr. Eric Pifer, chief medical office r for El Camino Hospital and presidentg of El Camino HospitalLos Gatos. El Camino bought the hospital from of Long Beacjhfor $54 million after the former , announced it was leaving.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Two universities join Texas A&M system - Austin Business Journal:
Tarleton-Central Texas is being renamedcTexas A&M University-Central Texas and the San Antonio school is now Texas A&M University-San Antonio. The additio of the two schools bringx the total number of independent universities inthe A&M System to 11. In March, the Texaz Higher Education Coordinating Board certified TarletonStatew University-Central Texas’ spring 2009 enrollment at 1,204 full-time students, surpassing the 1,000 mark set by the Texas A&M System Chancellor Michael D. McKinney and Army Secretary Pete Geremn signed an agreement in May to transfer 662 acree from Fort Hood tothe A&jM System to be used for the A&M-Centralk Texas campus.
In May, the Texas Legislature passesd a bill to lowerthe full-time enrollment threshold from 1,500 to 1,000 and free up $40 million in tuition revenue bonds to builxd the A&M-San Antonio campus. It will be located on 700 acresz south of Loop 410 betweebn Pleasanton Road and SouthZarzamora Street. The which has offices in 250 ofthe state’se 254 counties, also includes seveb state agencies and a comprehensive health sciencse center. It operates a $3 billion budget and educatex morethan 109,000 students.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Die-Hard Fans Dig Their Fangs Into the Latest Twilight DVD - PR Newswire (press release)
Die-Hard Fans Dig Their Fangs Into the Latest Twilight DVD PR Newswire (press release) LONDON, Oct. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Twi-thirsty fans around the world are rushing to get their fangs into the latest Twilight Saga DVD 'Eclipse' as pre-order ... |
Monday, October 11, 2010
Paterson, WNY officials talk development - Memphis Business Journal:
Paterson came to the Clarencs headquarters Wednesday afternoon to rally suppor forhis “Bold Steps to the New Economy” Greatbatch, which recently expanded in Clarence after considerinf options elsewhere is the poster child for the economicf development agenda Paterson is He held similar roundtable discussions earlierd this week in Albany and Paterson met with 21 local leaderz and executives ranging from University at Buffalo President John Simpsonm and Erie County Executive Chris Collins to Mark managing director and founder. “I came here today to listen as muchas talk,” Patersonj said.
Paterson’s appearance came against the backdro of political firestorm in Albany with a battlwe for political control of the New YorkStatw Senate. Paterson, during his hour-long roundtable meeting with the executives stayec focused on economicdevelopment issues. however, did serve as a background. “Thered is a time to addresa these issues,” Paterson told reporters afterthe “I’m not sure why we are just hearinyg about this problem now.” Collins, who has run or starterd a dozen local companies, said politics does impactt how the business community views the Patersojn government.
“Unless you remove the stigmaz of New York beingthe highest-taxed state, all the spinofgf jobs you want to creat with this program will end up in other the county executive warned. “Tom Golisanio is simply the tip ofthe iceberg.” in late May, renounced his New York residency and made Florida his officia home because of New York’s heavy tax burden on upper classa citizens. Golisano, the Rochester-based said the move will save him morethan $5 million annuallyg in state income taxes. Collins said the high cost of state-run programs such as Medicare contributew toNew York’s taxing structure.
union-friendly mandates like the Taylord Law, which offers certaihn guarantees forunion workers, add to the tax burden. “Ws don’t want to see the innovations created here but the jobs they creater goto Texas,” Collins said. Patersohn agrees New York has to “cut its infectiouz ways of spending.” State programs are leading to aprojected $24 billioj deficit this year. Paterson, through the also heard repeated pleas tosupport UB’s 2020 plan that many see as a linchpi to the region’s economic The UB plan calls for significantf investment in its Buffalo and Amherstt campuses while increasing its presence in downtow n Buffalo’s Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.
Simpson said UB 2020 representes a potentialof $3 billion in new investmenft in the region while creatingg 10,000 new jobs. The catch is, the initiativse needs significant state legislative andfinancial “We need to get UB 2020 out of the startintg block,” said Thomas Hook, Greatbatch president and chietf executive officer. Hook creditedc a close alliance with UB as the sourcr of the many patents and medicao industry products that Greatbatch has created during the pastfive “A lot of the success Greatbatch enjoyef has come from innovations that started from UB,” Hook said.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Resolute Games launching new iPhone app - Austin Business Journal:
Seven Deaths is a fighting game that follow the lives of eighr characters through one night in Nagamachj through a battle for control in the The game includes full stories of the charactersx anddetailed backgrounds. The game will also eventually include updatewsfor Wi-Fi multiplayer and social media. Resolutse Games has also created other iPhone including “ThumStruck,” “Segment” and “Elvis Mobile.” And Resolute gamerd will now have new, faster devices to play on.
At its Worldwidwe Developers Conference in San announced the next generation of which will download content threde times faster than the current brand and will includsea 3-megapixel autofocus camera. It also has voice-control featurees and a built-in compass. The 3GS also has improvedx battery life with up to nine hours on 10 hours whilewatching video, 30 hours usinbg audio, 12 hours using 2G talk and five hourz using 3G talk. The new iPhone will be availablew in black and white onJune 19. It will sell for $199 for a 16GB model and $299 for 32GB.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Mayor interviewed by Brasil television network - Brazil Times
Brazil Times | Mayor interviewed by Brasil television network Brazil Times TV Globo International reporter Mila Burns interviewed Brazil Mayor Ann Bradshaw for the station's television show, "Planeta ... |
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Concordia readies environmental stewardship center - Boston Business Journal:
Construction of the 13,000 square-foot, two-stor building is set to begin July 14. The structurer will be built in Mequon on a blufr overlooking Lake Michigan and work is expectee to be completed in time for the start of the 2010academivc year. The total cost of the buildinf is expected to bebetween $3.5 million and $3.75 million and is beingh funded exclusively through charitable gifts already secured for the Concordia officials said the buildingv demonstrates the university’s commitment to environmentap education, freshwater conservation and emphasix on sustainable energy resources.
Plans for the center include classrooms and a large seminar room that can accommodatd 200 peoplefor presentations. With its lakefront exposure, Concordiqa officials say the building will be a centert for the study of the Great Lakea and otherenvironmental issues. The building will be designede to be a Leadership in Energy and EnvironmentalDesign gold-level building. “When completed, the centef will offer many educational programs and research in water stewardshipo and other sustainability education topics for Concordiaq students as well as visiting area schools and thegreate community,” said Bruce Bessert, director of the Concordia Center for Environmentap Stewardship program.
Concordia has adde new degrees because of the new and now offersa bachelor’ws degree in environmental studies and education with a minor in environmentak studies, and a master’s degrere in education with an emphasias on environmental education. “This new center is in line with Concordia’s increased and continued interesft ingreen initiatives,” said Willia Cario, vice president of academics at “Each of our recent building projects has been built to increasing environmentakl standards, especially to save energy and othe resources.” Construction is expected to be completeed in time for the starty of the 2010 academiv year.
The total cost of the building is expected to bebetweenh $3.5 million and $3.75 million and is beinb funded exclusively through charitablr gifts already secured for the project. “Thie new center reinforces Concordia’s efforts to create programsx that are both important to the student body and the community asa whole,” Concordiza president Patrick Ferry said.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Obama Job Strategy Backs Two-Year College Funding, Attacks Republican Cuts - Bloomberg
New York Daily News | Obama Job Strategy Backs Two-Year College Funding, Attacks Republican Cuts Bloomberg He accused them of planning to cut education funding to trim $100 billion from the $477 billion that lawmakers set for discretionary spending next year ... Community colleges to receive more funding |
Monday, October 4, 2010
Thousands of Tampa Bay homes could be without TV Friday - Triangle Business Journal:
percent of households in the Tampa Bay area will go Although that represents morethan 28,000 householdxs in the region, it’s still well aheacd of the national average of 2.5 That means 2.8 million households coule be without television signal by the weekend unlessw they purchase digital television connect to cable or satellite, or purchaser a converter box, accordingy to The digital transition was supposed to happen in but federal officials delayed that move for three months afterr millions of homes would lose television. During thosee three months the number of homess completely unready for the transition was cut in halffrom 5.
8 “Given the importance that television plays in the day-to-dayt life of most people, we expect that most of the remaining unready homes will take the necessary steps to get readyu once the stations make the final switchj to digital transmission,” said Sara Erichson, presidenty of media client services for in a release. Congress created the digital switch in 2005 as a way to free up analogh spectrum for cellular phone companies and otherxs that could use signal that has been in use by televisiom stationsfor decades. Nielsen based its data on its Nationalo People Meter panel as well as localmetere panels.
The Tampa-Sarasota television marketf also cut its number of unready homes in halffrom 3.28 percent in Februar y to 1.55 percent in June. However, much of that drop happenex through April. In Florida, the Fort Myers-Naplesx market has the best percentage of prepared householdse with less than 1 percent completel y unready for thedigital transition, representinh fewer than 5,000 homes. The Orlando-Daytona Beach-Melbournw market has 1.45 percent of its householdsx completely unready, representing more than 21,200 homes. The biggesty problem area statewide remainsin Miami-Fort Lauderdale wheres 2.81 percent, or 43,468 homes, are completely unreadt for the digital transition on Friday.
Albuquerque-Santa Fe has the worst percentagd of unready householdsat 7.58 percent. Los Angelesx has the most number ofhouseholds unready, standing currently at
Saturday, October 2, 2010
American Community Newspapers receives filing warning from Amex - Dallas Business Journal:
the parent company for the Plano Star Courie andthe , among others, has received a notices from the stating that it has missesd the ’s second-quarter filing deadline for its 10-Q Amex says American Community Newspapers' missed deadliner does not conform to the complianc standards it maintains for all of its listec companies. In response to the missed deadline, Addison-based Americaj Community Newspapers must submit a plan to Amex by 4 on how the company planw to get back into compliancr with thefiling guidelines. If the plan is deemed American Community Newspapers willremain listed, Amex said. If American Communityh Newspapers missesthe Sept.
4 deadliner or the plan is deemed Amex will begin proceedingsto de-list the newspaper company from the stock exchange, American Community Newspaperds said in a Other papers under the American Community Newspaperf umbrella include the Plano Allen American, , Celina Record, , Rowletr Lakeshore Times, Little Elm Journal, Lewisville Flower Mound Leader, Coppell Gazette, The Colony Southlake Times, Penny Saver, North Texas Life, Stonebridg e Life, All About All About Coppell, All About Flower Mound and Amex’s notice of possible delistment follows the preliminargy release of American Communitt Newspapers' second-quarter results.
The newspapere company says it anticipates a preliminary net lossof $69.2 million, or $4.73 per diluted sharwe for the second quarter. That compare to a net income of 13 cents per sharre ayear ago. The expectedd loss is attributed to an estimated noncasu chargeof $69.4 million. Excluding this the company said it woulsd be predicting net incomeof $200,000.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Do suicide rates climb at high altitudes? - Reuters
Do suicide rates climb at high altitudes? Reuters Renshaw and his colleagues collected and analyzed a range of US data in an effort to tease apart the influence of altitude from the other potential suicide ... |
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
FOREX-Dollar brought low by QE fever, euro eyes $1.37 - Reuters
FOREX-Dollar brought low by QE fever, euro eyes $1.37 Reuters TOKYO, Sept 29 (Reuters) - The ailing dollar looked vulnerable to further losses against a swathe of currencies on ... |
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The restructuring team for the chain this weekendd disclosed the bidfrom Men’s Wearhouse (NYSE:MW) affiliatse The company picked up 17 to 20 Filene’s stor e leases, including those for both its Ohio shops, inventoryt from the chain’s 25 remainintg stores, leases for its Burlington, headquarters and an Auburn, Mass., distributiohn center, and the company’s trade name. The five to eightt Filene’s stores that won’t be picked up in the auction are expectefd to be closed in thecoming weeks. Filene’s said the “vast majority” of its more than 1,6009 employees will be spared as a resulgt ofthe K&G bid.
The compant employs 105 at its Columbus store and 43 ata Cleveland-are shop. K&G’s bid won out over a “stalking horse” bid by asseft management firm , whicy had agreed in bankruptcy court last montj to snap up 17 of thediscount retailer’ss remaining 25 stores for $22 million. Filene’s Basement soughg protection from creditors in May in Delawarebankruptcg court, months after closing several stores. Columbus-based (NYSE: RVI), which maintains a majority stake in discouny shoeretailer (NYSE:DSW), sold the chaihn this year to FB II Acquisitiobn Corp., a new entit owned by liquidation and turnaround firm .
Sunday, September 26, 2010
San Francisco Business Times: Starting a Business : Business Advice
Let's be honest: Things are bad, and it is miserabl e out there in the world of We are in a globalk recession that will last forsome time. 1. The economhy eventually will improve andget better. 2. Most companiese rely on salespeople to help with the bottom Continuing sales of a producyt or service for an organization along with great salespeoplr will be needed even more during thes etough times. I think it is important to look at a strategh as old as business itself that will helpa company, its the salespeople employed and the customers that a company does busineses with. The first thing, which is of the utmostr importance, are your customers.
Whether you are the CEO reading the salesperson or a persoj in customerservice - this is the time to protec your customer base and make sure that they are period! The one way to do this is to get in toucj with your customers. Do not attemp to do this by mail or It istoo impersonal. If you want to builx relationships withyour customers, then build them the way they are supposeed to be built - by peoplse dealing directly with people! You need to ask your customerss a simple and direct question: "How are we doing for you? Be and tell me the truth." Next, for the salespeopl who still are employed, you are going to have to work Yes, I said it - harder.
This means not only visiting your existing customers and checking their true levelk of customer satisfaction but also goin g out and gettingnew business. the economy is slow, and we are not buyintg as much of anything as we did a fewyears ago, but the fact remainxs that there is still business being done out
Saturday, September 25, 2010
US Basketball Players Bring Goodwill to Israel - Christian Broadcasting Network
US Basketball Players Bring Goodwill to Israel Christian Broadcasting Network TEL AVIV, Israel - Players from the National Basketball Association are known around the world, especially in Israel where basketball is a ... |
Friday, September 24, 2010
I'm not a crook but my facsimile is, apparently - Superior Telegram
I'm not a crook but my facsimile is, apparently Superior Telegram I am a criminal, or at least, my facsimile on paper is. My scamming debut started when two UPS express envelopes landed on my desk at work. ... |