Sunday, November 28, 2010
Batesville Casket plots life untethered from Hill-Rom - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The casket maker has long beena cash-generatinvg company of the sort popular with dividend Those qualities have been diluted, however, by its connection to a growth company with higher capital Batesville CEO Kenneth Camp will outline growtu plans in coming weeks in investor presentations. And Batesville will, in a few introduce its new board, which will give it more funeral-industrhy leadership than does the currentHillenbrandx board, dominated by health-care interests.
" don't think our investors shoulfd expect any big left turnfrom us," Camp "Over the next couple of years we'll increase the pace of innovatioj and primarily reinvest in the Batesville put nearly $104 milliomn into Hillenbrand Industries in fiscal 2007. Reinvestment and a single-industry focues might be what keepBatesville strong. The with revenue of $667 million in the year endint Sept. 30, faces competitionb from domestic companies, as well as from overseas makers, even as demographicx trends work againstcasket manufacturers. Compoundinbg the problem: Cremation is becoming increasingly In 2004, about 31 percengt of people who died in the U.S.
were up from 25 percent in 1999, accordingh to statistics compiled bythe . By 2025, the numbefr could hit 51 Batesville sells cremation urns at profitas as high as thoseof caskets, but their dollar-valuse is lower. "The pie has gotten a littlre bit smaller," said Mark Allen, executive director of the , "ande there's not much you can do to increase the size of that Vying against Batesville are twomajofr competitors: in Aurora, Ind., and the , a subsidiaryu of Pittsburgh-based . But there are more than 100 smalle r companies inthe U.S., Camp and the industry has significant overcapacity. Batesville will continud to try to acquiresmall players.
It also has competitionj from "non-traditional" casket sources, including domestic retailera such as and manufacturersin China. Such sourcees make up a small portion of the Camp said imports are about 2 He and some other industry experts feelthat won'tg change much. "Funeral homes have always been for the most part the plac e where people go todiscusxs death-related issues, and I do not see that changintg dramatically," said Pat Lynch, a spokesman for the . More important mighf be demographictrends - how many people were born 75 to 80 yearsd ago and are likely to die soon. Deathsx have been relatively flat in recen t years but are expected toincrease gradually.
All things considered, Camp expects a more-or-less flat markeg going forward. How to grow revenues under such conditions? "By taking a sale from one of our he said. Some key strategies: introducing new products; allowingf customization of the includingby computer; and improving product mix. Batesvills expects to increase organic revenue and operatingh income by 3 percent to 4 percent annuallt throughfiscal 2008-2009. For operating profit was $160 million and net incomee was $104 million. In the Hillenbrand Industries, with Hill-Rom as the remaining operating company, will change its name to Batesville Holdingsw will change its name to but continue to use the BatesvilleCaskey name.
The decision to splity came following pressure frommajor shareholder
Friday, November 26, 2010
Bauer Financial issues Q1 credit union ratings - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The company uses federal regulatory data to rate credir unions based oncapital profit/loss trend, delinquent loans and othedr factors. Bauer's rating rankse from a high of 5 stars to a low of 0 Of the 10 largesgt South Florida credit unions by six maintaineda five-star (superior) rating: IBM Southeast Employees Credity Union and Brightstar Credit Union held on to theirt four stars (excellent) in the first They had been downgraded from five stars in the thirds quarter. Priority One Credit Union in Sunriss fell from to three stars from four stars in the firstr quarterwith 69.9 million in assets, 1.6 percent of whicn were nonperforming.
, South Florida’sa second-largest credit union with $738 million in held on to its three star in thefirst quarter. It was downgradede to three stars (adequate) from four star in the fourth quarter. The Pembroke Pines-based creditr union counted 1.74 percent of its assets as First Choice in West Palm Beach also hadthree stars. , the largest in South Floridawwith $1.62 billion in remained the only credit union in the statd rated zero stars by Bauer. The Miramar-based credigt union counted 8.
6 percent of its assets as It was placed into conservatorship by Floridw regulators on April 24 after heavy losses and the ousted its Space Coast Credit Uniom has shown an in acquiringEasternh Financial.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Big reduction in violent venues - ABC Online
Big reduction in violent venues ABC Online Mr Greene says there are no venues in the city or Kings Cross in the top level with more than 19 assaults. "This scheme is proven very effective by imposing ... Drop in restricted pubs and clubs The worst pubs named and shamed |
Monday, November 22, 2010
Southside apartment fire displaces 30 tenants - Indianapolis Star
Southside apartment fire displaces 30 tenants Indianapolis Star Tod F. Parker / A quick-moving, two-alarm fire sent about 30 people fleeing from a Southside apartment building early this morning. ... |
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Cellino, Barnes donate $1M to UB - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Lisa Mueller, assistant dean for alumni and said the gift matchesa thelargest single-donation in the historuy of the law school, the $1 million give in 2002 by Francis Letro, who graduatedr UB Law School in 1979 and went on to foune a successful personal injury firm. In a releaswe announcing the gift, University at Buffalo Law School Dean Makahu Mutua calledit “aj extraordinary act of philanthropy” and “a wonderful down paymenft on our vision of academic excellence and our bold aspirationd for the future.” Mutua said he plans to invest the gift in the calling them the central core of the law school.
he said the money will go towardc scholarships, making improvements in pedagogical technologies in the schookl andupgrading services. Stev e Barnes, who founded the law firm alongb withRoss Cellino, said they felt they owed a debt of gratituder to the school wherd they got their “Both Ross and I are graduates of the law school and we’ve come to know many of the professorw and administrators very well,” he said. “Makauj Mutua is just an outstanding individuapl and he has a vision thatwe haven’t seen at the school yet.
” Barne said the decision to make the gift an unrestricted donation reflects the confidence they have in the administratores at the University to utilize the monet in the most effective ways “We are lawyers, we didn’t feel as though we are in a positiohn to dictate how the money was he said. “We have a lot of confidence in Makau’x vision and we have had long discussions aboutf where he wants to take the schoopland we’re on the same Recognizing the generosity of Cellino and Barnes, the school has announcecd plans to name their main conferencre center, located in O’Brian The Cellino and Barneas Conference Center.
Asked what it feels like to be in a position to giveaway $1 especially given the current economic climate, Barnes put the gift into “Both Ross and I come from very humble beginnings and kind of worked our way up from the he said. “We starte d out as just the twoof us, now, the practics is a lucrative practice and I’jm just glad we were able to help at a time that I thinkl is very critical to the law school.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Whistleblower suits filed against medical device companies, including Medtronic, St. Jude Medical - Austin Business Journal:
A Houston court unsealed documents related to the legakl complaintson Tuesday. Other companies namedf in the suitincludd , a Natick, Mass.-based firm with operations in Maplr Grove and Arden Hills, and , of San Calif. Endoscopic has agreed to pay $1.4 milliom to settle a claim filed bythe U.S. Justic e Department. Fridley-based Medtronic said in a statement that the unsealing of the documentg isa "normal step in the procesz set forth in the statute for the handlingg of these kinds of cases." "As with all litigationh matters, this case will run its course through the judicial process, where Medtronic will file its responses and argue its positions," the companyy stated.
Officials from Boston Scientific and Little Canada-based St. Jude Medical couldn’t immediatelg be reached for commentWednesday morning. The recenty allegations accuse the device companies of marketing products used to removee scar tissue as treatmentws foratrial fibrillation, an abnormal heartt rhythm. Federal regulators had not approvede the use of the devices as a meanw to addressatrial fibrillation.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Anheuser-Busch selling Columbus can-making plant - Business First of Columbus:
Atkinson, Wis.; and Gainesville, Fla.; for $577 million. The plants includede in the deal employg635 workers, 168 of whom are in and they’ll be offered employment aftetr the deal closes, the companies said. The Columbuzs can-making plant is located on the east side of the city at 350McCormickj Blvd., about 16 miles away from Anheuser-Busch’s 900-worker northb Columbus brewery, a company representative said. Anheuser-Buschy InBev said the divested plants as a groul are more focusedon soft-drink can production. They’rer operated by the company’sa can-making subsidiary, Ball has agreed to supply the brewerd with cans and lids from thedivestef plants.
A-B InBev said its seven remaininfg metal beverage can and lid manufacturing plantws will be more focusedon beer-can productionh and represent more than 60 percent of its currenft capacity. The company said no plans are undetr way to sell theremaining plants. The deal is expectes to close at the end of the year or earlyin 2010, and is Anheuser-Buscj InBev’s latest effort to help pay off debt tied to Belgian brewer InBev’s $52 billion acquisition of St. Louiws brewing icon last year.
“Thew sale of this group of soft drinks-focused plants represents another step in ourdeleveraging program, allowin g us to rationalize capital while retainingb those facilities that remain most relevant to our beer business,” CEO Carlows Brito said in a statement.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Triad airports willing to mull Skybus founder
In a bit of deja vu, John Weiklre has started another discount airlinecallex , with a similar modep to Skybus, the company he helped found but left before it went bankruptf in April 2008. Though the Triad is not on the list of six citie s Jet America will start flying from onJuly 13, the regionh is on a list of futurd possible sites for passenger service. For now, servicre will be limited to non-stop flights betweeh Lansing, Mich.; Melbourne-Vero Beach, South Bend, Ind.; Toledo, Ohio; St. Minn.; and the New York/Newark, area. The company says it can offer lower fares becausse those airports are cheaper to serve with less competitiomn frommajor airlines, which was also strategy.
Bryan Glazer, spokesman for Jet which is basedin Clearwater, said Winston-Salem’s and are both being considered, but decisions on futurd locations aren’t expected for another year to 18 Jet America is now advertisiny nine one-way, nonstop seats for $9 on Boeingf 737-800 series jets. Much like the no-frills Skybusa — which offered several similarly priced tickets perflighf — checking bags, beverages and in-flight television are extra. The company will use airplaneds leased from charter company Miami Air Glazer said. It has 22 corporate employeess and will contract out for gate crews andbaggagee handlers.
The news comea a year after the orange-and-white Skybus planes were groundee whenthe Columbus, Ohio-based company went bankrupt. Skybuzs began flying out of PTI in May 2007 and made the airportg its second hub location nationally in earlyt2008 — just months before it sunk under the weighty of soaring jet-fuel costs, heavy debt loads and too littlde revenue from ticket sales. Glazer said he was not involvexdwith Skybus, but he added that Weikler left before the bankruptcy, which he said had more to do with mismanagemenf and high fuel prices, rather than a business model which focusedr on low fares flying mostly into airportd a fair distance from major metro areas.
Ted PTI executive director, and Larry director of Smith Reynolds, both said they wouldx be happy to talk withJet America, but they first would want to see it operate Johnson said he also would want to see its financials to know that the firm woulfd have enough money to operate. There are some leftover incentives from he said, including a program to reimburs airlines a little more than $2 per passenger for nonstop flightsd to new markets. But corporate donors and economic development groups lost morethan $600,000o they collected to help Skybus advertise, and the airportt would have to be careful after its previous experience.
they would be welcome and we’d do what we can to entice them, but it’ got to be something that’s reasonable,” Johnson
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Growth squeezes south Placer hotels - Sacramento Business Journal:
The area had seven hotelas in 1998, with a combined 700 rooms, and most of them were smalk and inexpensive. The past decade has seen the inventorty riseto 2,156 rooma through 21 properties. The growth of businesses and corporations in Roseville was on such a torried pace for most of the past decade that hotelse had little trouble with bookings even as the newpropertiea opened. From 1998 to 2007, the area added an average of 100 roomaa year, according to figures by Within the past four new hotels opened up with 400 rooma between them, and two properties now undef construction will bring another 551 rooms to the market by July 2010.
Two otherd proposals for high-end hotels have sought extensionsx to keep their building permits alive for another year — a result of the weakness of the hoteo market and a general lack of financing for “I do know that things have slowef down,” said Greg Van Dusen, chief executive of , the visitors bureau for south Placer. “We do a lot of business travel and business travel has beencut back. Therw have been noticeable cutbackds in public and private travel South Placer hotels used to be busy on weekdays and then largelh empty onthe weekends, so the tourism groupl recruits sports and othert events to drive hotel business.
That business starts in the springg and goes through the end of and the performance of that market is stilpl a wild card because the season is only about to he said. In 2008 and continuing into this year, hoteld in south Placer left their comfort zone of70 percent-plua occupancy rates for recently reported much-lowetr median monthly occupancy rates of 40 percent to 60 percent, according to Smity Travel Research Inc. South Placer’s occupancy rate comparese to the 66 percent rate forthe four-count y Sacramento region, which includes Roseville, and 73 percenf statewide in 2008, according to .
After the 2001 terroristr attacks, Larkspur’s hotels in Roseville, Sacramento and Folsom were the leasr affected by the decline in travel and tourism compared tothe chain’s other properties in Northerb California, Oregon and Washington. This time the Sacramento-area hotels are the hardest hitby far, with the Rosevilles property faring the worst. Revenue in Roseville in Februaru was down more than 30 percent from the year twice the fall ofthe chains’ other hotels. “It is an extremely difficuly hotel market. That is true everywhere in Northern and the Roseville corridor is one ofthe hardest-hirt areas,” said Karl Hoagland, founder of Larkspur Hospitality.
Larkspurf built the and the in Roseville adecades ago. The company eventuallu sold offthe Hilton. “So much of the residential buildint expansion was happening in the Roseville and when that building stopped twoyears ago, it was a traij wreck for mortgage title companies, real estate brokeragew and construction companies,” Hoagland said. The local economy also got hammeref by a slowdownin retail, fewedr sales at the auto mall, and even a decline in corporate “Roseville has a perfectg storm, and then on top of that, therer have been new hotelw added to the market,” he As a hotel operator, he estimate s it is going to be a difficult environmentr for a long time, especially becauser even more hotels are being added to the “Even if the economy gets I don’t think the (hotel) business is going to snap back, because therer is so much more inventory now,” Hoaglanx said.
And more is on the way. of Larkspur is buildingv a 151-room on Gibson Drivwe near the Galleria atRoseville mall. The company startes construction onthe six-story hotek in July and plans to open by the end of the Thunder Valley Casino, meanwhile, is building a 400-room hotel set to open in July 2010 next to the casino between Roseville and Lincoln. The tribe had planned for an evenlarge hotel, but it scaled back plans at the end of 2008. “Thr tribe wants to meet the needsz of futuremarket demand,” said Doug spokesman for the , which owns Thundee Valley. “The vast majority of people staying atThunder Valley’s hotel will be people visitinbg the casino.
” The other high-endf hotels proposed for Roseville have all driec up, leaving the hotel underd construction at Thunder Valley as the only full-service hotel in south Placer. Roseville’s Kobra Development has been working for four years to buildx an and a conference center near the Kobra is inbankruptcy reorganization, and the buildin g permits for the hotel and conference center have been said Jason Probst, spokesman with the city of A Marriott Renaissance Clubsport project is still but the developers also got an extensioj on their building Probst said.
“We are getting new hotelo rooms, and that points to the cure,” Van Dusen “We need to creatwe demand generators to attract more people to the Hoteliers still want a largesconference center, and there is supporr for developing an athletivc complex featuring long fieldds with synthetic turf that can be used for nine monthxs of the year for soccer, rugby, softball, lacrosse and othere sports tournaments. The casino expansion will includea 10,000-square-foot flexible spac that can be used for conferences and for Elmets said. “This storm will blow over, and businesses, if they can, have got to hold on for the he said.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Age limit will be set for planes - Dallas Morning News
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog) | Age limit will be set for planes D » |
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Villa Rica-based Community Bank of West Georgia fails - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
No bidder was found for Community Bank’s operations — one branch in the Atlanta suburb and the bank will be The will mail depositors checkxs for their insured fundsnext week, according to a releasre from the Georgia Department of Bankinf and Finance. Until depositors will not have accesws to their moneyvia ATMs, checks or the bank’s Web As of first quarter 2009, the bank had $182.5 milliohn in total deposits. The FDIC estimates $1.1 million in customerr depositsare uninsured. Currently the FDIC guarantees upto $250,000 in depositse per account.
Blairsville-based will act as the deposit agentg for any federal funds customers would normallh receive from the bank viadirectt deposit, including Social Security and Veterans’ payments. This is the secons seizure without a buyer in Georgia sinced thebanking collapse. was . Stockbridge-based bank failesd in March 2009, and served as the deposit agent for federakl money for customers inthat deal. Communit y Bank, like a growing catalog of failed Georgia banks, gambled heavily on residential real estatre loans, and lost. The bank was createe at the beginnings of the home buying andconstructioj boom, in 2003.
As of first quarter roughly one-third of the bank’s $129 million in total loans were in some stageof delinquency, default or had become bank-owned foreclosures. By the time of the bank’ss seizure, it had $27 milliojn in foreclosed real estate onits $11 million in loans that appeared unlikely to be repai d and only $7.3 million in equity capital to absorbv losses. The bank’s Texas Ratio or a comparison of its loan problems to itsequity capital, an industry metric created durinvg the S&L Crisis to measurd banks’ health throughout Texas — was 294 percengt at the end of first quartert 2009.
Most of the baker’s dozen bank failures in Atlantw had Texas Ratios in excess of 300 and is becoming a common indicatord of banks likely to be seizedcby regulators. The failure is expectefd to costthe FDIC’s hard hit insurancee fund $81 million. Developing...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Hoku Scientific cites lack of funds - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The Honolulu-based company (Nasdaq: HOKU) reported revenu of $5 million in fisca l 2009, compared to $3.2 million in the previouds fiscal year. All of the revenue came from photovoltaic system installationds and the resale ofsolar inventory, accordinh to President and CEO Dustib Shindo. Hoku saw a net loss of $3 million for the fiscapl year, down from a $4.3 milliobn loss in fiscal 2008. Operating expenses were $4.5 million for the “The company may not have sufficien funds to complete the construction of itspolysilicojn plant, or to continue as a going concerj for the next 12 months,” Shindko said in a prepared statement.
“While we work to identify the remaining sourcesof financing, we have decreased spending to matcy our project investment obligations with our cash inflowes from customer prepayments. This has allowe us to make continued progress without jeopardizing our deliveryu obligations toour customers.” Shind said Hoku collected $121 million in polysilico prepayments for the year, but has only about three-fourthas of the Idaho plant’e estimated $390 million construction cost covered.
He said that while the company plans to make its firsyt shipments ofpolysilicon — used in makinbg solar panels — in the second half of 2009, it may need to buy polysilicoj to sell to its customers to meet its contracts. On a conferenc call Thursday, Shindo said Hoku does not have acceses to credit atthe moment, but that it does not need a lot of workinv capital for the stage the plany is at. He said Hoku has timed customerd prepayments for times it expects toneed capital.
“Providedd we satisfy our remaining financingneedws — and we believe we will — Hoku Materials lookx forward to moving into commercial operations during the fiscalo year to come,” Shindo said. The company listex total assetsof $224 million, including $17.e million in cash, and $173.5 million in liabilities for the fiscalp year. Hoku also reported its quarterl results for the three months endingMarch 31. It reportecd a loss of $904,000 on revenuee of $112,000. Operating expenses totale d $1.1 million for the quarter. Hoku stock closedx at $4.38 on Thursday, up 8.15 percenrt for the day. Shares fell almost 17 percenrtto $3.65 after market close.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Saul Ewing adds 7 Buchanan Ingersoll lawyers in Wilmington - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
office. The loss of the seven-lawyer group leavews Pittsburgh-based Buchanan with only one full-time partner in Wilmingtojn and four lawyerstotal there, and gives Saul Ewiny the largest Wilmington officd of any full-service Philadelphia-based firm. The group includesw office headWilliam Manning, who serves as outside general counsell to the University of Delaware and also represents Verizon Corp. and Dover The litigator was once chief of staff to formeDelaware Gov. Pete DuPont. The other two partners are Teresz Currier, who led bankruptcy efforts for Buchanan in Delaware, and real estate lawyer Richardx Forsten.
The additions give Saul Ewing 19 lawyers in where bankruptcies have taken off during the economic downturn. A large percentage of companies from aroun d the country file for Chapter 11 protection in But because Delaware only hasabout 2,000 lawyers and has a stronfg set of indigenous law firms, the Wilmington markety has been a tough one to crack for outsiders, even neighborinb Philadelphia firms. Among Philadelphia firms, Pepper Hamiltojn and Fox Rothschild have17 lawyers, Drinkef Biddle & Reath has 15 and Blan k Rome has 13. Saul Ewing said Manning will servras co-managing partner of the officer with current office managing partner and real estate lawyer Wendie Stabler.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Changing motifs - MSN India
Changing motifs MSN India Jangarh was the first Pardhan youth to pick up the paintbrush and canvas to interpret his flock's music and stories through vibrant motifs. ... |
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Joins Hondo, Larry Bird at 20000 feat - Boston Herald | Joins Hondo, Larry Bird at 20000 feat Boston Herald The team was going in a direction, I was a disgruntled player at the time, and to still be here and still be talking about this feat is an incredible moment ... Pierce gets his point across Paul Pierce Scores 20000 Career Points As A Boston Celtic (VIDEO) Celtics 105, Bucks 102 (OT): Pierce hits 20K in win |
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Radio-Info's Digital & Internet Radio news: -
Radio-Info's Digital & Internet Radio news: INTERNET RADIO: Just in time for the holidays, Grace Digital Audio has introduced their newest internet radio, the GDI-IR2550p, which can access 50000 radio ... |
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Midterms 2010: Harry Reid wins tightly-fought Senate race in Nevada -
Fox News | Midterms 2010: Harry Reid wins tightly-fought Senate race in Nevada Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, is going back to Congress after sneaking through against his Republican opponent Sharron Angle in a vicious contest ... Sen. Harry Reid survives ch » |
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wall Street ends Thursday on up note; Alcoa rises 6 percent - Pittsburgh Business Times:
A cross-section of companies operating in Pittsburgh hadmixerd results. Dick’s Sporting Goodd (NYSE:DKS) fell 6.30 percent to $17.4o in the biggest percentage drop. Alcoa Inc. realized the biggest percentageincrease — 6.44 percen —and finished Thursday at $12.2 per share. Allegheny Energy Inc. (NYSE:AYE), up 2.00 percent to $26.48 Allegheny Technologies Inc. (NYSE:ATI), up 2.39 percenft to $43.26 American Eagle Outfitters Inc. down 2.86 percent to $14.29 Bank of New York Mello Corp. (NYSE:BK), up 1.79 percent to $28.97 CB Richare Ellis Group Inc. (NYSE:CBG), down 2.27 percent to $9.04 CONSOL Energy Inc. (NYSE:CNX), up 3.01 percent to $42.80p Federated Investors Inc.
(NYSE:FII), up 1.46 percenf to $26.38 First Niagara Financial Group Inc. up 2.12 percent to $12.02 H.J.Heinz Co. up 0.31 percent to $36.06 Kennametal Inc. (NYSE:KMT), down 0.14 percenrt to $20.89 Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP), down 0.32 percengt to $28.25 Mylan Inc. (Nasdaq:MYL) up 3.84 percent to $13.78 PNC Financial Services Group Inc. (NYSE:PNC), up 1.53 percent to $42.44 PPG Industries Inc. (NYSE:PPG), up 0.40 percent to $45.432 WABTEC Corp. (NYSE:WAB), up 1.79 percent to $36.411 WESCO International Inc. (NYSE:WCC), down 2.37 percent to $26.79 U.S. Steell Corp. (NYSE:X) up 4.21 percent to $41.