Tuesday, November 29, 2011
First Financial Bancshares takes $3.76M in TARP - San Antonio Business Journal:
The Topeka-based bank holding company ownsand . the holding company’s banks had about $103.5 million in assets as of Marcg 31. First Financial acquired Great America n Bank onJuly 31, 2008. It has one branch in De Soto. In Januarg 2006, First Financial acquired Lawrencr Bank, which has two locations in Lawrence. The banks were both considerexd well capitalizedby regulators, accordingb to first-quarter numbers, though their problem loans were rising comparex with the fourth quarter. “Firstg Financial Bancshares Inc.
believes that additional (TARP) capita will allow for planned growth and increased lendinbg opportunities intheir markets,” the company said in a Other area banks that have accepted TARP money include: , parent of Trust; , parent of ; , parent of ; , parenft of ; , parent of ; (OTCBB: BVBC), parent of ; , parenyt of ; , parent of ; , parenft of ; (NYSE: BAC); (NYSE: MI), parenr of ; and (Nasdaq: EFSC), parent of . USB) repaid its $6.6 billion in TARP money earlierthis week.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Too much TV, too little exercise, linked to depression - Victoria Times Colonist
Too much TV, too little exercise, linked to depression Victoria Times Colonist Older women who got more exercise and less television time were the least likely to be diagnosed with depression, according to a US study of thousands of women - with physical activity having the biggest impact. According to findings published in the ... |
Friday, November 25, 2011
Learning to spell contagion - gulfnews.com
Learning to spell contagion gulfnews.com Until then, as global exports to Europe diminish, the bond market will force the rest of us to learn to spell one word: CONTAGION. รข" The columnist works for a major European investment bank in New York City. All opinions are personal and don't reflect ... |
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Ani DiFranco was flattered by Ivan Neville and Herlin Riley at Voodoo Fest - NOLA.com
NOLA.com | Ani DiFranco was flattered by Ivan Neville and Herlin Riley at Voodoo Fest NOLA.com By Keith Spera, The Times-Picayune The mandate for Adam Shipley, the talent buyer for the WWOZ Stage at the Voodoo Fest, was to facilitate unique collaborations. To that end, he asked singer-songwriter Ani DiFranco, the Buffalo, NY, native who has ... |
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Caraustar Industries files Chapter 11 - Nashville Business Journal:
All trade creditors, suppliers, customers and employeeds will receive all amounts owedto them, the Ga.-based recycled paperboard and packaging company said. It will ask the U.S. Bankruptcg Court for the Northern District of Georgis for approval to pay the amounts in the ordinary coursdeof business. Caraustar (NASDAQ: also reached agreement with debt holdersw to reducethe company'as debt obligations by $135 million. Under the holders of outstanding sharesof Caraustar'sa common stock will receive theire pro rata share of $2.9 or 10 cents a share, subjecrt to certain conditions. The restructurin plan calls for the exchange ofthe company's existing 7.375 percent and 7.
25 percent senior notes for an aggregatr of $85 million in new senior secureed notes and 100 percent of the common stoc k of the reorganized company. will become the company'ws controlling shareholder. In conjunction with the restructuring, Caraustar has lander a $75 million debtor-in-possession line of creditg from General Electric Capital The money may be used for cash collateralizing outstandin lettersof credit, paying for goods and services in the ordinaruy course of the business and generalo corporate purposes. "Caraustar took decisivde action to substantially reducethe company'se debt and prospectively reduce costs,” said President and CEO Michaelp J.
Keough, in a statement. “Once our financial restructuringbis complete, we believe Caraustar'es new capital structure combined with the cost savinga achieved by operating as a privated entity will provide a lean and flexible foundatiob for sustainable profitability and better positio the company to meet the challenges of our industrhy and this recessionary economy head on." The compant posted a net loss of $4.4 million in the firsr quarter of 2009 and had a $99 millionh loss in 2008.
Friday, November 18, 2011
The North Assembly plant, whicnh produces Dodge Ram had been by the end of so Chrysler’s announcement Wednesday provided an exacg date. The Fenton North plant is set to resumw production June 29 untilJuly 10, Chrysler said, and then will remain idled “contingen t upon volumes.” The truco segment has taken a particular hit as auto salezs have declined. Dianna Gutierrez, a Chrysler spokeswoman, said workere at the plant will have an opportunity to transfer to otherr production sites or take part in an incentivse program forearly retirement, special early retirementg program, and/or an enhanced voluntary terminatio program.
She didn’t have exact details of the new offe but said it would be similar to previouas offers thatincluded lump-sum cash payments, vehicle vouchersa and health-care coverage. The North Plant employed 1,200 workers prior to recen buyout offers. About 640 the buyoutr and early retirement offers by a May 26 The North Assembly plant was idled inearlyh June, but was one of seven plants wher Chrysler production following the idling of all its plantws when it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy April 30. After its brievf reopening, the plant was then expectede to close fora two-wee summer break the weekws of July 13 and 20.
Chrysler emergefd from bankruptcy when Italian carmaker Fiat closed a deal to takeover Chrysler’ds assets. Chrysler’s South Plangt in Fenton, which assembles minivans, was idle d at the end of October. Another 115 of its more than 350 workerws had accepted offers fromChrysler
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
After spending time on sidelines, ladies thrust back into job hunt - Business First of Columbus:
Steele found herself in the middlr ofa divorce, then her son, who lackec health insurance, was injured and needed medications. She was thrusyt back into the work forcin 2007. “Sometimes my entire paycheck would go tohis prescriptions,” she Steele had 15 yearsa experience in human resources, but unhappily learned since most of her training was on the job, she didn’t have the educationalp background to return to a similar She applied to the Acloché staffingh service, where she was assigned to a clerical positiobn at . For awhile, she found additional seasonal work at tax Hersavings gone, Steele was working well beyonds 40 hours a week to make ends meet.
As tough as life has been for the last few Steelesaid it’s not all bad. “It’e also true I was kind of bored,” she said of not “I like to be needed.” Steele enrolled in MBA classes at and just begabn a new assignment doing clerical work for theColumbus Eventually, she’d like to be an adjunct professoer at a university. She’s like many women thes e days who once had the luxury of being able to stay home but now must try to reestablishua career. As in Steele’s case, Shannon an accountant, went througbh a divorce that threw her financexs into adownward spiral.
The 34-year-old Millss was hired to work in the mail room ofthe ’s headquartersa in Newark in November 2007 after being out of work sincd 2001. Her son Devomn attended kindergarten, which freed at leastf part of the day forhis mother. Fortunatelyt for Mills, Park National Bank recognized her skills and movefd her from the mail room to theaccountinbg department. “This accounting is totally different thanwhat I’vee done before,” she said, “but it’s a perfect fit, Mills said while the circumstances weren’ ideal, she was ready to go back to She dabbled in online sales and worked from home in varioues capacities when she was married, giving her flexibilityt to take care of her family.
Mills said gettinh back into the 8-to-5 routine and givinb up all that flexibility was the toughest part of returninvto work. She misses her son durinfg the day but realizes being a working mothef is theway it’s going to be for the foreseeable future. Realistically, she said, life isn’t reallyh worse than several years ago; it’s just Acloché’s CEO Bobbie Ruch said many womenn are heading back to workbecausew they’re having a hard time financially. And, the timinf couldn’t be worse. “I thinkj it’s a miserable time to be looking for a Ruch said. “They commonly say, ‘My husband lost his job.
’ ” Divorce also forces many women backto Ironically, money problems often cause the divorces. As womeh go back to work, Ruch said age is more of a discriminatiojn factorthan gender. In fact, more men are losinh their jobsthan women, possibly becausde women still are generallyg paid less than men, but anyone, especially 50 or older will experienc difficulty in finding a new job for two main First, younger people are more technolog savvy, which is extremely important in the currenyt market, and most young employees haven’t reachee a peak income and don’y expect the higher salaries to whic h older employees are accustomed.
Ruch suggests anyone have difficulty finding a new job should volunteer at adesirecd company. It’s psychologically much healthierd than sitting next to the phone waiting foran interview, and it’s advertisinv yourself as available. “You really need to know someone withinthe company,” she said.
Monday, November 14, 2011
COBRA confusion stymies business - Washington Business Journal:
billion plan to help recently unemployed people keep theidr health insurance benefits was intended to protect the financially vulnerabl from sinking deeper into debt because of high insurance premiums ormedicap costs. But that part of the Americaj Recovery and ReinvestmentAct (ARRA), which was signed in also has created confusion, increased paperworkl and potential cash-flow problems for businesses in Colorado and “There’s a feeling that even though the governmenty is paying [for the subsidy], businesses are paying for it too because of all the administrative hassles,” said Kimberlu Searfoorce, staff attorney for the (MSEC), which provides personnepl assistance for companies in Colorado and Wyoming.
Searfoorce said since February, MSEC has handled “hundreds” of call s from employers who aren’t clearr on who qualifies for the plan. MSEC also has held a numbet of seminars explaining thenew law. Daylw Axman, supervisor of consumer affairsd at the Colorado Divisionof Insurance, said businessex affected by the change are “scrambling” to notif those who are eligible for the subsidh within the government’s timeline. Axma n said she didn’t know how many peoples are taking advantage of the new but will have a better idea in afterthe second-quarter tax creditd are tabulated.
Individuals who make less than $150,000 a year may qualify for a 65 percent government subsidy on aCOBRA policy, under a federal prograjm that allows workers who are betweenn jobs to continue to get healt h care coverage provided by their former employers. Previously, COBRA recipients paid 100 percent of their premiums to maintain theirformer employers’ healtbh insurance policies. Under the new law, businessese receive quarterly tax credits for paying 65 percent of theformefr employees’ premium and collecting an additional 35 percent from the Searfoorce said under legislation schedulefd to be signed by Gov.
Bill former workers who are fired “with good reason” can receivw the benefit — unless the employer moveds to blockthe subsidy. In some cases, that means someone who’x terminated from a company might end up payinyg less in insurance premiums thansomeone who’s stilk employed there. Chris Miller, director of underwriting for of Colorado, said the changees have been “burdensome” on employers. “It’s been fairlyt resource-intensive for some employers — particularly those who just had mass Miller said.
Many businesses were thrown off guard by a provisioj that extends the subsidy to those who mightt have declined the benefit befors the subsidywas available, Miller said. The changes also can creater cash-flow problems because employers regularly pay the premiumsfor one-timer workers, but get the tax credits
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Supreme Court delays Chrysler/Fiat merger - Wichita Business Journal:
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsbergy granted a motion filec by Indiana state pension funds to delay the mergerf between the American and Italian automakers in whatthe U.S. Treasuru Department said was an administrativwe extension designed to allowa sufficient time for the Supreme Court to explorse whether or not a stay is according to several publisheed reportslate Monday. The Supreme Court move extends a stay alreadyy issued by a lower court that was set to expirew lateafternoon Monday. Fiat has given Chryslerr until June 15 to finish the Attorneys for the pension funds argued that they woulf receive just pennies on the dollarr fora $42 million loan given to However, U.S.
Solicitor General Elena Kagan said the imminent collapse ofChrysleer — said to be losin upward of $100 million daily — was of greatee concern to government officials than the loan dispute. Underd Chrysler’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization, Chrysler announcesd last month789 U.S. dealerships will lose theie franchises by June 9 as part of the Chrysler said it will close at leastfour Milwaukee-area Braeger Chrysler Jeep, 6133 S. 27th St., Dodge City of Milwaukee, 4640 S. 27th St., Milwaukee; John Quadejn Dodge, Okauchee; and Lakeland Jeep, Oconomowoc. Chryslee also intends to close its engine plant in Kenosha in 2010 underrthe reorganization.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Kokam America reveals details of $650M Lee
With renderings on display, the Lee’s Summit-based advanced-batteruy maker hosted Missouri Gov. Jay who used the occasion to urge states senators to pass a jobs bill that would providre incentives touted as vital to the The 800,000-square-foot plant, expected to be certifierd as a “green,” or energy-efficient, building, would create an estimater 900 jobs with average annual salaries of The House has passed the bill, but the bill has hit roadblocksa in the Senate, and the legislative sessionj ends a week from Friday. The jobs Senate Bill 215, would expanfd economic development programs that include the Missouri Qualituy Jobs Programand job-trainingv initiatives.
“The status quo simply will not do,” Nixonn said. “Sitting still, waiting for somethiny to happen, simply will not work.” The 260,000p Missouri citizens who are out of work need the jobs the bill wouldhelp generate, he said. Kokam officials said they needthe state’sd help to snare federalp dollars. The Missouri bill wouldx provide Kokamwith $25 million in federak budget stabilization funds, Kokan said in a release. “It’sx critical to get the messages across to all legislators that this is a changr to industry instead of a change to a Kokam President DonNissanka said.
Kokam last montg committed to building a plant of the same size in whichoffered $144.6 million in tax credits. Kokam has a 50,000-square-foot plant in Lee’s Summit but needss to expand to meet growing demandfor electric-vehicle Nissanka said he envisions plants across the country. A largre Kokam plant would provide the volume to pumpup , SEV CEO Bryam Hansel said in an interview The company is preparing to assemble commercial electri vehicles from an 80,000-square-foot plang at , and has selected Kokam as its battery-maker of “The single greatest limitation to me is batterg capacity,” Hansel said.
The more batteries Kokam can the lower prices will get and the more demandc will increase forSmith vehicles, creatinvg a spiraling effect, he said. If Kokam gets the federal and state incentivesit seeks, the soonest a new plant could be fullyh operational would be the fall of company CFO Blake Day said.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Ascension Insurance buys three California agencies - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The Kansas City-based company bought of Sant a Monica, which specializes in development, placement and administration support of studentg healthinsurance programs; of Walnur Creek, which provides employee benefits, retirement servicess and HR outsourcing primarily for and Inc. of Agoura Hills, which specialize s in administration of student health including intercollegiate sportsinjurty programs. Overall, the acquisitions will bring Ascension’w annual revenue to about $75 million, ranking it amongf the nation’s biggest 35 agencies, Ascension CEO Leonard Kline said in an The company said ithad $55 million in revenure in March, after its in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Ascension now has more than 400 employees at 20 officelocations “The acquisitions ... represen a valuable opportunity for us to expan d our West Coast operations and to fulfilkl our goal of providingthe best-quality markets and resources to the middles market,” Kline said. “Each organization brings unique capabilities to our growing portfolio of insurance as well as dedicated employees who shar our mission to provide outstanding service to our customers in Californiwa and throughout theUnited States.” Kline said the deal closed Thursday afternoon.
Ascension is a full-servicw insurance and employee benefits agencu providing brokerageand risk-management services to middle-markeg companies nationwide. Ascension has been a actives in the mergers and acquisition market since it was foundes from scratch inAugust 2007, makingv . The company is assisted by funds from its privateequity partners, and . The goal is to increasd the company’s annual revenue to $200 million within the next five
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Milwaukee-area housing values rebound - Kansas City Business Journal:
The quarterly report by titlex “House Prices in indicates that housing values in the Milwaukeew areaaveraged $186,700 in the first quarted of 2009. The figur represents a 2.1 percent reboundf from the fourth quarter of when area housing valuesaveraged $182,800, according to adjusterd estimates. Researchers estimate the firsg quarter 2009 figureis 2.4 percent less than statistically normall house values, according to an analysise that considers not only house prices and interest rates, but householf incomes, population densities, and any historicapl premiums or discounts metropolitan areas have exhibitec over time.
Officially, researchers do not consider the Milwaukesemarket "undervalued." Overvaluations or undervaluations were labelz reserved only for values that varied by 14 percent or more from what researchersw considered statistically normal house values. Accordinhg to the IHS Milwaukee-area house values in the first quarter had been on the declind since a highof $189,7090 in 2007. The 2009 figure was still less thanthe first-quarte 2006 valuation of $187,900.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Indirect Revenue - Citizen Economists (blog)
Indirect Revenue Citizen Economists (blog) I've been writing quite a bit recently on indirect taxation, and I thought that I would take a minute to look at things from the opposite side of the fence as it were. First, some context for my thoughts: The state ... |
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Clear lanes to shut down at Hartsfield-Jackson - Baltimore Business Journal:
New York-based , the operator of registered trave lservice CLEAR, said the paid security lanes at its membet airports would cease operations because the company “hads been unable to negotiate an agreement with its seniof creditor to continue according to a statement posted on the company’s Web site, Last March, the compang said it had 20,000 registered travelers in metroi Atlanta. As of last year, the companyu had more than 200,000 CLEAR members, who paid up to $199 for an annual membership for access to designated security lanew at participatingairports nationwide.
Members provided biometric data, which was encoded on a card, for the promise of a speedier and convenient trip through airport The service targeted business travelers who routinelu travelby air. The companty was founded by founderSteve Brill. CLEAR lanes opened at the airpor t about the same time as an expansion of the main securith lanesat Hartsfield-Jackson. The new additions includex lanes designed specifically forexperienced travelers. Airportf officials have said the added lanes have kept securityg wait times below 10 minutes on which might have made CLEAR lane s less advantageousto consumers.