Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Memphis Business Journal: Most viewed Stories
Park National Bank paid $20 milliobn to acquire One Commerce Square during a foreclosure auctioj held at noon Monday on the Circuit Court Memphis City Schools laid off 320 employeezs last week as part of planned budget SouthernThunder Harley-Davidson is seeking LEED certification for its new $9 millionn Southaven, Miss., dealership, which would make it the first Harley-Davidsoj dealership in the South and second in the countrg to be LEED certified.
Baptist Memorial Hospital-Memphixs will get a new, $7 million
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Bankrupt EJ
which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcyu Friday, will close stores in Texaw and Arizona ifit can’t renegotiate cheaper rents with its The University City-based company operates 15 discount shoe stores acrossd the country under the EJ’s Designer Shoe Outlet, E&J’s Designer Shoe Outley and Shoe Cents names. The company previously was known as FamoueBrand Shoes. “The restructuring will enable EJ Shoes whicn operatesin Missouri, California, Texas and Arizona to continue to conduct business in its strongesty retail locations while it renegotiates or drops leases in severao others,” the company said in a statement e-mailed to the Businessx Journal.
The company plans to continue to operate itstwo St. Louia stores, which have recorded recent growth in saledsand revenue. The storess are located at 8620Olive Blvd. and 9109 Watsojn Road. EJ’s also plansw to keep open itsPalm Calif., store. However, the company may close stores in Arizonza and the Houston areaif can’t renegotiate cheapert rents. “In Houston, business at several stores never fully rebounded after the hurricanez hit shutting down all stores for 10 days and in particularly the Phoenix location has been hurt by diminishing numbersa of snowbird shoppers who did not returbthis winter,” the company said.
EJ’s already closed a store in Costa Mesa, Calif. Accordinb to the bankruptcy filing, the company has assets of between $500,00p and $1 million and liabilities of between $10 million and $50 million. EJ’s, formerly known as Famous Brand Shoes, to the name in 2007 to St. Louis-based Inc., which then renamed its 23 Supermarket of Shoess retail stores toFamous Footwear. EJ’ s was founded in St. Louis in 1972 by Edwarxd “E.J.” Nusrala and his family. Nusralwa and his family still are the majorityu shareholders inthe company.
Friday, January 27, 2012
'EU sanctions pursues to affect IRI polls' - IRIBNews Agency
Press TV | 'EU sanctions pursues to affect IRI polls' IRIBNews Agency Tehran's provisional Friday prayers leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ahmad Khatami, said that the main objective of the European Union to impose economic sanctions and oil embargo on Iran is to adversely influence the upcoming elections in Iran. Oil industry sees China winni ng, West losing from Iran sanctions 'EU sanctions on Iran lead nowhere' Shell sees EU Iran sanctions pushing up oil prices |
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
MPs are banking on meeting with Cable - This is Staffordshire
MPs are banking on meeting with Cable This is Staffordshire STATING OUR CASE: MPs Rob Flello, Tristram Hunt and Joan Walley, above from left, are hoping to talk to Business Secretary Vince Cable, main picture. Stoke-on-Trent North MP Joan Walley, a vocal campaigner in the bid to bring the GIB to Stoke-on-Trent, ... |
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Reach Healthcare Foundation Company Profile | Company Information
successor organization, the Community Health Group HCF, incorporated in received 80 percent of the assets based ona court-approvexd settlement agreement. The REACH Foundation was approvee by the IRS as a charitable organization inMay 2004, and the followiny month received nearly $100 million in initial assets. The Foundationb later received anadditional $10 million in asset s from CHG. These assets have since growmnto $142.5 million. Over the past four years, the Foundatiomn has awarded morethan $8.3 million in grants. Grant and program support has increasedfrom $1.7 millioj in 2005 to $4.8 million in 2007.
Since its establishment, the Foundationm has focused its investments in threeareas ? safety-net health services, oral healt h and mental health. ...
Friday, January 20, 2012
TiVo wins $103M round in EchoStar fight - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
EchoStar lost an appeal in districtr courtin Texas. The court awarded Alviso-based TiVo TIVO) $103, 068,836 plus interest, whichb covers the period from Sept. 8, 2006 to Apripl 18, 2008. But EchoStar (NASDAQ: of Englewood, Colo., will appeal the matte r to the U.S Court of Appeals for the Federal Even ifTiVo triumphs, which observerx think likely, the awarf won’t wipe away its large accumulated deficit. In the fisca years 2008 and 2007, before it won TiVo lost $31.6 million and $49.1 million, respectively. TiVo has alreadh been awarded $105 million in this patent fightwith EchoStar. Thoughg that earlier EchoStar payment contributec to a profitof $103.
6 million for TiVo in the quarter endefd January, the company’s accumulated deficitr (how much it has lost or written off sinc it started) at that time was $672.1 million. “We will need to generatre significant additional revenues to achieve sustained the company said in its most recentquarterly filing. TiVo’s president and CEO, Tom 54, was paid a salaru of $800,000 in the latesg fiscal year. His total compensation for the yearwas $5.9 including $54,824 for housing related and living expenses, $42,796 in insurance related expenses, and $20,099 in familt travel related expenses, accordinv to TiVo’s proxy card.
Roger also sits on the board at , a Texas telephone book publisher that filed Chapter 11in March. He’s been a directodr there sinceNovember 2006. Idearc, baserd at the Dallas-Fort Worth paid a cash retainerof $60,000 to directoras in 2007, the latest year it’ws reported in a proxg statement. Former TiVo boardd member Charles Fruit, a marketing executivd who saton TiVo’s audit committee, died May 27. TiVo had 463 workersx as of March 23, more than half of them in researc h anddevelopment jobs.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Gas prices close to $3 mark - Phoenix Business Journal:
According to the ’s Weekend Gas Watch, the average pricd of self-serve regular gasolinew in theLos Angeles-Long Beach area is $2.938 per gallon, whic is 11.3 cents more than last week, 52 centas higher than last month, and $1.55 less than last On the Central Coast, the average price is $2.98, up 10.3 centw from last week, 47 cents abover last month, and $1.40 beloe last year. In the Inland Empire, the average per gallob price is $2.929, which is 11.9 cents more than last 52 cents more than last and $1.55 less than last According to Auto Club Spokespersobn Jeffrey Spring, all of the major metropolitanj areas are within 5 cents of each other.
"Thizs is a rare instance that is probablyh causedby retailers’ reluctance to raise prices over $3. This phenomenonn also sometimes happens when prices are nearinga peak," Spring said in a statement.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Posted by Clint Henderson | January 16, 2012 - Fox News (blog)
Politico | Posted by Clint Henderson | January 16, 2012 Fox News (blog) At 11am Jon Huntsman is expected to hold a news conference to announce he is dropping out of the race for the GOP nomination. He is also expected to throw his support to Mitt Romney. We'll take it live. 1100EST -- Holds press conference at the Myrtle ... Paul retur ns to SC, picks up key endorsement |
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Stowers Institute affiliate endows life sciences chairs at University of Kansas Medical Center, University of Missouri-Kansas City - Kansas City Business Journal:
million apiece from a affiliatde to endow a life sciences chair ateach institution. UMKC Chancellodr Leo Morton saidthe money, whicg came from the nonprofir BioMed Valley Corp., will enhanced the research relationship between Stowerz and the . KU Med probably will use the monehy to recruita physician-scientist workin g on cancer research, spokeswoman Amy Jordan Woodenn said in an e-mail. “Given how tight the stater budget is,” she said, “we need philanthropiv dollars like this generous gift from the Stowers to keep ourmomentum going.” She said the BioMerd Valley money also will let the schoop leverage state matching funds for distinguishesd faculty.
The distribution from BioMeds Valley, which was formed in came as the organization endeda research-partnershilp program with the two universities. The program was intenderd to foster collaboration between Stowerds and the two institutions in the areasxof basic-cell and molecular-biology research. Through the the annual financing for the schools was limitedto 3.5 percent of the balancs in endowment accounts established for the program. Each accountt started with $2 million.
The prograjm was terminated to expedite distribution of the money tothe universities, Stoweras spokeswoman Laurie Roberts said in an Roberts said the distributions equal the amounyt the universities would have received through the partnership adding that the parties continue to look for ways to work “I can tell you that each of the institutionse is interested in forming research partnerships wherever possible,” she said. “Thesse discussions are ongoing.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Homebuilder McStain files for Chapter 11 - Denver Business Journal:
The Louisville-based company declared $10 million to $50 milliob in assets, and the same range in liabilities. McStain -- which does businesss as McStainNeighborhoods -- has told customersa it plans to sell its finishe homes and complete those that are under construction. The filinv does not affect the Indian Peaks Southu neighborhood because of a separatweownership structure. In February of this McStain told customers on its websitethat “w e have been assured by our bankers and other professional associates that we are healthiefr than most of the private builders they deal with. To paraphrase Mark Twain: ‘The rumores of our demise have beengreatlhy exaggerated.
’ Rumors that we filedr for bankruptcy are simply not Other Colorado builders to declare Chapter 11 recentlyg include Village Homes of Colorado in Greenwoocd Village, which had last year’s largest local bankruptcy reorganization with $138.34 million in debt, and Tousa Inc., the Florida-based parent of Colorado’x Engle Homes Inc. John Laing Homesz of Irvine, Calif., which was active in metri Denver, filed Chapter 11 early this McStain’s largest unsecured creditors includd Scheer’s Inc. of Illinoisz (which is owed $10.85 million), Key Bank ($3 CRE400 Centennial LLC-Crestone ($2 and William and Associates ofBoulder ($1.54 according to the bankruptcy filing.
Other unsecures creditors include First National GE Capital, Namaste Solar Electric Inc., Guy’s Floor Service Inc. and the City and County of Denve (sales tax). McStain has taken significant steps to cut cost s and shore up its flagging business in the last The builder’s former presiden and CEO, Eric Wittenberg, voluntarily left the companyt in late summer 2008 to save money, and was replacedc by McStain co-founder Tom Hoyt. Hoyt took the titles president andboard chairman. McStain Enterprises also closed its physicap headquarters operation in Louisville last Atthat time, McStain had 21 employees, down from 75 peopler early last fall and from a peak of 115 a few yearw ago.
Remaining employees were to create avirtual office, usintg cell phones and computers. Tom and Carolinre Hoyt, with their friend David started McStainin 1966, when they bought a smalll Boulder custom builder called Horizon Buildiny Co. Over the years, the partners built the company from a simplew custom builder to a designet and developerof master-planned communities such as Indian Peakes in Lafayette and MeadowView in Longmont. They also movede into sustainable, energy-efficient housing. McStaihn has worked on several urban infill as well, including ones in Denver’s Lowrt and Stapleton neighborhoods and Belmarr in Lakewood.
Monday, January 9, 2012
The restructuring team for the chain this weekenrd disclosed the bidfrom Men’s Wearhouse (NYSE:MW) affiliatwe The company picked up 17 to 20 Filene’s store leases, including those for both its Ohio shops, inventorgy from the chain’s 25 remaining leases for its Burlington, Mass., headquarters and an Mass., distribution center, and the company’s trade name. The five to eighy Filene’s stores that won’t be picked up in the auctiomn are expected to be closed in thecoming weeks. Filene’s said the “vast majority” of its more than 1,6009 employees will be spared as a resulrt ofthe K&G bid.
The company employ 105 at its Columbus store and 43 ata Cleveland-area K&G’s bid won out over a “stalking horse” bid by asset management firm , which had agreed in bankruptcy court last month to snap up 17 of the discountt retailer’s remaining 25 stores for $22 million. Filene’s Basement sought protection from creditors in May in Delawarebankruptcy court, months after closint several stores. Columbus-based (NYSE: RVI), whicyh maintains a majority stake in discount shoeretailer (NYSE:DSW), sold the chainm this year to FB II Acquisitionh Corp., a new entity owned by liquidation and turnaroundf firm .
Saturday, January 7, 2012
CAD software maker Revware buys MicroScribe from Immersion Corp. - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
CAD in an acronym for computer-aides design. Immersion has several businesas lines with products developed for applicationxs ranging from gaming tomedical uses. Revware president Tom Welsh said that his companh has been using MicroScribe product for 15 years and when he saw that Immersion was lookingy tosell MicroScribe, he jumped on the “We are going to be able to focua on MicroScribe in a way that Immersion was not able Welsh said.
Revware was formerly knownh as , a company that was a softwarde developer as well as a reseller of the SolidWorks CAD The company grew in the 1990s along with the technologyy bubble andin 2001, Design Automation made Trianglse Business Journal’s annual rankinyg of the 50 fastest-growing companies in the Raleigh-Durhak area. Welsh said Design Automation, which peakedr at 15 employees, had pared down since the technologytbubble burst. Revware has fewer than five employees. Wels said with the acquisition of the company will grow in Raleigh and on the West But he declined to saying that negotiations are stillundetr way.
Welsh did say Revware is taking steps to reactivatee resale channelsfor MicroScribe.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
McGahee knows he can be the difference for Denver - NFL News
ABC News | McGahee knows he can be the difference for Denver NFL News That might be the biggest difference between the Broncos' 7-1 run and their 0-3 skid, especi » |
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Cibolo nets new Cambria hotel - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Cambria, which Choice describes as theplacw "where style, form and function meet," is the new upscalse brand in the Choice Hotelas family. The all-suite property features a state-of-the-ary fitness center, a barista bar, and an indoo r pool and spa. The roomss include separate sitting areas, flat-screen televisions and wirelessw Internet. The new Cambria will be located at 17703 Interstatre Highway35 North. "As travel to the San Antonio area continuesto grow, both leisuree and business travelers are looking for a refreshing take on traditiona l hotel design and amenities," says Willia Edmundson, brand president for Cambria Suites.
"And this Cambria Suitees will offerjust that." The 129-suite hotelp will be owned by locallyt based development firm . The Cibolo Cambri marks the latest development under this flag in greatefSan Antonio. As reporteds by the Business Journallast February, a new Cambria is also plannedx for a site at 8505 Broadwah in North Central San Antonio. That hotel is beinv developed by The Thehotell development/management firm is building two hotels -- including the Cambria -- and accompanying restaurant on the site, which was previously home to the Centerr for Antiques and the Airport Convention Silver Spring, Md.-based Choicr Hotels reports that as of Sept.
30, there were 59 Cambria Suites hotels in the development pipelinr in26 U.S. states and in Canada.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Lakers Better Suited To Trade For Dwight Howard - Lake Show Life
Lake Show Life | Lakers Better Suited To Trade For Dwight Howard Lake Show Life When David Stern denied the Lakers the services of Chris Paul most could read between the lines of Dan Gilbert's e-mail as to why that moved didn't go down. In the end the Hornets did deal Paul and it was to a big market. While Gilbert may have said he ... Bynum powers Lakers past Nuggets UPDATE 1-NBA-Bynum powers Lakers past Nuggets |